Tuesday, January 3, 2023

It is Time for Kevin McCarthy to Step Aside


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After the Nazi Senators from South Dakota, John Thune and Mike Rounds betrayed America in the Biden spending bill that took away American gun rights, the trust which Representative Kevin McCarthy expects from Republicans is nil, considering that Liz Cheney was his greatest sponsor.

There are 3 candidates who could replace McCarthy. Steve Scalise, Patrick McHenry and Jim Jordan. Frankly I do not trust any of them, but this is what is in the bath water, and it time for Marjorie Taylor Green to stop Twitter Assassination against the Republicans who are staging this protest, and begin building common cause, as someone needs to inform McCarthy that for the good of the Republican Party, he ends this humiliation of America, and this is humiliation in showing that Republicans can not govern, any more than the GOPliters.

I would label McCarthy a GOPliter. He is a fraud like Paul Ryan in those endless staged votes which made zero difference.

What the Lame Cherry evokes as the compromise is simple. The House agrees that any one member can call a No Confidence Vote on the Speaker. The reason for this is I propose a revolving door agreement, that Republicans would nominate 4 candidates for Speaker who will serve 6 months each over the next 4 years.

My choice for the first Speaker is someone not on the list, that is Chris Smith of New Jersey, the longest serving Republican with distinction.

I would add Steve Scalise to this list. Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene. 

There has been too much enshrined power in both parties, with no management, only production of bills written by the money that controls America.

All committee assignments would remain the same for the two years and this revolving door would bring stability in no one would be able to be around long enough to be a problem.

Nothing is going to be done with the GOPliters holding only one house. The elections were designed that way to keep the status quo of looting. The only real power is the investigative arm, and that should be turned loose with full prosecutorial powers, as no one trusts anyone any more in this corrupt system being replaced by the order.

That is my solution. Frankly, this is a House filibuster which should continue for two years, as nothing will get done in this corrupt system and that will do Americans more good than this charade which is voting more of our rights away and robbing us daily.

Having no Speaker is better than having McCarthy. If McCarthy loves America, let him get out of the way, and offer up this 4 Speaker solution, as he is not the answer.

Nuff Said 


The Ugly 1


The reason this all matters is not because it is news that Michelle Obama is ugly inside and out as she bashes fat kids, but because the Obama's are liars and everyone around this regime are liars. They have lied about Obama's citizenship, lied about fixing the...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Lame Cherry has professed, I am out of politics. There is though in this a reality that when the next installed leader of the United States, after place holder, Pedo Joe Biden is removed that what Michelle Robinson Obama says matters.

MRO recently was on P. Diddy's site and stated that she could not stand the man she named Bahrock, whose real name was pronounced Berrick, for a decade.

Former first gender Michelle Obama took a swipe at former President Barack Obama saying she “couldn’t stand” her husband for about ten years. She said in an interview with Revolt:

Let us be fair though and speak for Barack Hussein Obama as Michelle Robinson Obama attacks him again as she did before in stating that he stunk. We must be fair because BHO can not speak for himself, no more than Dictator Biden can speak for himself, because we have seen that there are impersonators representing both of these males with latex masks on.

The Lame Cherry stated that on June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord that BHO left the building, and a deal was worked out with a shapeshifter, and later more pliable impersonators to be the public face of Obama 44, while Vice President Joe Bien assumed presidential powers as Michelle Robinson Obama and Val-erie Jarrett were the guiding hands of the last years of the Obama regime

Obama had nothing but success with Nancy Pelosi before June 13, after that date with MRO, the entire legacy of Obama was nothing of failure.

But for 10 years Michelle Robinson Obama detested Barack Hussein Obama for being a lazy Nigger. That is the former First Lady's words in she was doing all the presenting.

Marriage isn’t 50/50, ever. Ever.

“There are times I’m 70, he’s 30.

Of course Michelle Robinson Obama disliked her husband, because she was an extra gene female. She simply was the most male female that Barack Hussein Obama could find, after his long dalliances with Pakistani' college boys, in the training of Uncle Frank who taught him to drink as both Boy Obama and Uncle Frank sat around in urine stained underwear, as Obama's illustrious poem recorded in Dreams of My Obama.

It was Joe Biden's political prisoner, Lawrence Sinclair who shed light on the Obama marriage, as Mr. Sinclair, a homosexual at the time, arrived in Chicago and became a sexual date for Barack Hussein as Michelle stayed at home.
It was a detailed account of Obama penis size, if he was cut, snorting coke off the tummy, sucking the flute (Hal Turner asked if there was swallowing.) and a return date the next day of naked Obama laying on the bed. Barack Hussein Obama was a homosexual Chicago hostess, much like Uncle Frank was back in the day.
See it was acceptable in Chicago for married White Priv men to visit the black quarter and have a black male play their flute. It was not deemed queer. It was deemed a man's right. Barack Obama even stated that in public in complaining that Michelle was not playing his flute.

Barack Obama has always been presented as a bisexual but the fact is he was 100% in the company of homosexual males. There was Donald Young from the black church Obama attended and murdered to silence him, who spoke to Lawrence Sinclair and stated the hatred Michelle Obama had. There was Reggie Love, Obama's body man. There were White Priv too like Brian Williams of NBC who Obama told a joke about them laying in bed one night. The only time that Barack Obama was not a homosexual was none of the time. That is why he wed the lovely Michelle. The problem was she was not a flute player so BHO had to go looking for satisfaction elsewhere with other homosexuals.

This led to the hateful statements again by the next installed leader of America, in Michelle Robinson Obama, stating that she hated her Barrack.

Let us be honest here in the legacy of Barack Hussein Obama in defending his homosexual priv. Barack Obama was a Lipstick Larry, he liked to be pretty. If you look at all the men that Barack Hussein Obama was sexual with, they were all pretty males. That was just his taste as Barack Hussein Obama did not like the Uncle Frank types with urine underwear or smelling like an ape. No, Barack Hussein Obama liked males who were bathed and soft, the metrosexual type.

It was this reality, that when Barack Hussein Obama saw Michelle coming and going naked about the house or clothed, that he simply was not attracted to this beard who did not play the flute. Below are visual examples like those above. Barack Obama has some manliness even as a homosexual. He did not want to be out dyked or butched by Michelle in her legs spread. He did want the pumping iron Michelle being more of a man than he was.

It is scary for a not so strong homosexual male like Barack Hussein Obama to be the weak one with a powerful gender like Michelle. It did not help either that she kept flashing her "show" to the world as creds she was a gender in transition and not to be limited by her current marriage status.

These are issues that must be addressed for 2024 AD in the year of our Lord. In a race among men, of course Michelle Robinson Obama is the most manly among Donald Trump and Governor DeSantis. They simply are not any match for this gender.

The Lame Cherry would like for MRO to stop savaging her June 13 husband. We all know he was illegitimate, a birther and none of this mattered. He is the Obama legend, but that legacy should not be tarnished by Michelle piling on a man who left the building almost a decade ago. It simply would be better if candidate Michelle Obama run on her own manhood and not be like Hillary Clinton, looking for Bill Clinton to prop her up. Michelle is gender enough for the task and that is why the cartel chose her to be the next president as the Republican party is divided into a dozen little parties no one will vote for.

It is ok that Michelle is an ugly extra gene gender. She can not help what Darwin did.  She can not be held back by her homosexual husband's weaknesses and failings. Of course this still bothers her, but she needs to shake it off like a dick with a swelled up prostate. She is assigned to be President and it simply is best if she stops living in the past. She needs to take credit for when June 13 happened, that she continued on with the administration and built the Obama legacy. That admission of truth in her being a resident President for over 3 years, is her resume for 2024 AD in the year of our Lord.

Michelle Robinson Obama needs to admit what we all know, that she is comfortable being a man, without a penis.  It is a new woke age and all of us must expect that Obama47 is on the roster, unless Dictator Biden blows the world up first in Ukraine.

Nuff Said


Oct 26, 2007 ... Creedence Clearwater RevivalHey, TonightPendulumLyrics:HeyTonight,Gonna be tonight,Don't you know I'm flyin'Tonight, tonight.


A Prion of Your very Own


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

The following is a personal experience in dealing with this mRNA and prions which arose from the vax.

There is allot of hype about people being made sick from exposure to the vaxed as in deathly sick. I can tell you our experience.

Meet you on the other side.

McCullough Confirms MRNA And Spike Shedding
From The Vaxed To The Unvaxed - Great Danger

Dr Ryan Cole - ’They’ KNEW About The MRNA-
Spike Protein Catastrophe All Along - Placentas
Now Full Of Spike Protein, Inflammation, Calcified

Air Force Can’t Punish Members Seeking COVID
BioWeapon Religious Exemption - Appeals Court

Anti-Vax Hero Nurse Who Injected Up To 8,600
Patients With Saline Instead Of Covid BioWeapon
Walks Free

In this past year, since August I was faced with the problem of needing my teeth fixed, expensive fix. The idea of broken teeth when the meltdown hits, was not anything I was going to have a part of, as having broken teeth to the jaw bone, festering and rotting away, was not something which would do anything but hinder my work for God.

So the reality after telling God that it would be better if I just died, was I got carried through the 5 visits of grinding off my teeth and capping them.

From the first visit, when the first tooth got pulled, I started having problems. I got quite tired as my body began fighting off the manufacture of the prions I had just been exposed to. For us, the exposure leads to intestinal manifestations of the prion blocks the absorption of protein, hence feces float in he water toilet.
As the prions flush, diarrhea ensues.

We treated our exposure with tonic water, gin and zinc with effect.

I heard Jeff Rense sniping at someone about pine tree tea did not do any good. He was going on about heart conditions. As Anne had shared that pine tea worked and I shared that, with anyone with sense knowing that pine tea is not going to mend a damaged heart anymore than Ivomec will, it was a bizarre thing to say. Tonic water is not going to stop any damage like anything else. It will though run interference against the prions in the body.


I can only share the experience we have had. We have not been vaxed. We have been infected with a number of lab viruses and recovered, after some hard experiences. There has been allot of suffering with these exposures. We though are alive and not dead, just as alive as our exposures to the prion. Once again, prions are not mRNA platforms.

We are careful in we wash our food with bleach, leave things air out for a day before bringing things like boxes in. Wipe off things order with alcohol. We also wear gloves which is a wise precaution against all these flu's and excrement laden shopping carts.

In knowing that, it means we are careful, but not hermits. We have to live like everyone else in this gulag. We do ok with that in not having symptoms. Now here is the thing........

Having that dentist crawl around in my mouth, with gloves on, got me exposed to that prion. I have no idea if I breathed it in or got it in the chair or it came off the equipment. It happened every time and I made sure I took my clothes off, laundered them, and showered every time, immediately upon getting home, and still got the effects.

We got the effects too from eating at a restaurant. It does not seem to happen with fast food. Fast food tends to have people with gloves on, and limited public exposure. Restaurants are more hands on.

There is evidence in this, that there seems to be the need of a more direct human contact to get this prion. I would say breathing it in, getting teeth drilled on, and hands on, that would be anything from sweat to tears to whatever else comes out of the body in fluids from blood.

I have had people who were vaxed touch me and not had problems. I am not having sex with vaxed people or getting blood. This prion seems to have a poor shelf life. Meaning this one seems to need almost human to human contact to spread. The contact from the vaxed platform to the unvaxed.

I do not have all the answers to this. I only know what lit me up and how. Those are things I will avoid if possible. It is hard with needing medical treatment.  I would say though in the above, I would NEVER get anyone's saliva, semen, vaginal fluids or blood in me, as that would seem to be like a syringe injection of the mRNA platform.

The prudent are taking steps to not have mRNA exposure.

As people are after over a year producing prions like a hen laying eggs, this is not going to change. The vaxed are making prions in abundance. The only way they seem to stop spreading prions is when they are six foot underground. I do see enough of these vaxed people to know they are aging more rapidly. Some look 5 to 10 years older than they did before being vaxed. So all that prion production is aging them. This seems to be nature's away of natural selection to cull the gene pool of something that is not healthy to long life.

As there is too much hype in people making money and too much propaganda in the other group making money in vaxing the majority. If the stats are correct, then 2/3rds of the world is this vaxed group. It seems if there is not direct contact, then they are as harmless as not playing with a kid puking.

It is the mRNA that appears to be the root of this. That has no cure. The prion has no cure either when it is supported by the mRNA in cells where it is a spike protein.

I hope some of that helps.

Nuff Said
