Sunday, June 30, 2024

13 Kids

I'll have you know I was the male valedictorian in my class of 12, 
nine were girls, two were special ed and one was that foreign kid
who never spoke English.
Wait that's 13 kids.........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

My children and brats are going to read a few projections in the coming weeks which are extensions of the character traits God has sown into me. The reason for this post is something Anne said to me, in I should add "genius" to my description. I think I have mentioned that my IQ was tested in school at 121. I have no idea how they concluded that as I did not bother that much in tests, and a friend of mine had the exact same IQ and got B's and C's, but I got A's and B's with daydreaming all day as I hated school.

Dear LC, You should really add "genius " to your "prophetess orphan girl" self description. You're the best! It seems much depends on who leaves their den and who does not. Best wishes to you and TL Anne

At that time, I was making my way through school, finding easy classes and relying on my photographic memory. Tests were easy, because I took notes or I could see in my mind the answers in the text books.

I came to the conclusion that there is a vast difference between book smarts, common sense, intelligence and what I call Inspiration. As you can see in testing I'm not that  high ranked. Richard and Stephanie are both every high IQ, like TL is. You can tell it too by listening to them. I was pondering them to day as much as every one of you in how really intelligent you are, but each of you differ  in how genius manifests in each of you. I can not put into words how unique your talents are  as they are multiple and not singular. I'm not going to embarrass Richard and Stephanie by listing their qualifications, but these Israelites from the 10 different tribes all have gifted abilities which all meld into one precious gem before God.

In what will appear here is due to one of my unique geniuses which is the Holy Ghost simply in part of my family is Prussian. I'm reading a historical memoir at the moment on Panzerkrieg, and it is a bit important due to the war which is being generated in Europe. When I read a book, or lock onto people, living or dead, I ............I'm just an old 486 computer brain, but the things I plug into produce some outstanding is more than empathy, it is a melding like that Star Trek episode where Bones puts  on the magic knowledge helmet and thinks putting Spocks brain back into his body is child's play. In this case, the connection happens to some very gifted geniuses, in von Manstein, Balck and Melinthin, and I walk into this theater with a dome and I start knowing things for the present. I look at the order of battle in Europe, I see the Mideast and in my natural instinct to thoroughly go for the kill in chess, I immediately have the revelation in I can defeat the Russians. I know how. I know what the Russians should be doing for what is coming to win. I know how the projections will affect my children and myself. I simply plug in. It does not matter if it is physics or whatever else is there, I formulate the answers, before I unplug move on and happen upon things which have been written through me, and am surprised how good it is.

I know there is interest in what I'm posting as my computer freezes up, line speed quits and I have spiders in the wire who are wondering how I found out about things, how I'm concluding things.....why on our cell phone which was turned off the other night, it kept flashing the battery charging in lighting up at 100%  and all our phone has on it are animal and garden pictures, we don't talk to anyone, we don't text. I'm just this oracle out there who knows the secrets and Anne concludes some of it is genius.

I honestly see no point in wasting my time or yours in Amen commentary in the chit which a hundred other Mockingbird stooges are chirping about.

Today in some future post, I was pondering nuclear arms, as I'm one of the last experts. Just focusing on that and my impression in what Russia is engaged in, Inspiration formulated an entirely correct deployment of those weapons as in theory what is going on is absolutely wrong. What I'm  talking about will come in a future post to explain the mystery, but unless you are a Moltke building upon the genius of Napoleon in bringing large forces to bear at a battle point at the same time, where Moltke employed trains for his Prussian German Empire which had not been considered previously, you are bringing nothing of evolution of thought for all humanity.

That is what I miss most in the geniuses like Vernon Walters. Not everyone could be a genius, but minds like that were sharing ideas with other brilliant minds and when normal people heard them, they were enlightened in the correct way to assemble data, and it taught people to be open in their thinking to out of the box solutions. What has been installed before humanity now in the leadership and academia is stagnant, devolutionary and dull.  It is the reason these Goddamn morons like Birther Obama, Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates get away with their Eve of Destruction, Eve being feminine and not a time of day, is because there is nothing out there capturing humanities cell phone dull minds to awaken it.
I mean Ronald Reagan was like 900 years old when he came up with Star Wars with the ancient Sam Cohen backing the genius. Either one has vision or they are blind. The difference is now that the Meisterkrieg have ordered this all out in their brilliance and left the dullness exposed so that their guiding hands will not be noted until the moment the 5th Reich appears. We should see in what is coming if my analysis is correct in the adults will return to the table to be admired.

I will close this with, TL's Einstein sister liked telling people of her large IQ. I countered with, "I can send you to the retard factory down the road where 50 IQ primates are in repetition in assembling products would out produce you and your genius".

It reminds me of Rory Calhoun, playing the hunter who was hunting Gilligan on Gilligan's Island. The Professor thought it would be him as he was a genius. The hunter retorted, "Professor I would have you in the bag before you calculated your first move".

In humility I always know there are a number of people more intelligent than me, and in every case it will be some retard who shows you up in front of everyone in how to solve something, just when you have finished wowing everyone in how bright you are.

God has His Ways of keeping things balanced.

At this point in what is coming, I think I would rather be right, than smart. It is nice though to have people think you are smart, even though to keep looking smart I have to admit that it is all God.

At the moment, I'm trying to win this far war for us near, in perhaps losing from afar, so we have a better chance in our dens.

Nuff  Said 
