Tuesday, June 18, 2024


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

All of us have been burned by Remote Viewers and computer algorithms by design and by the reality of how this fluid electrical energy moves. The latest foray into this is Daz Smith, one of the rather talented viewers who saw a missile launched as a first strike, sometime in June, mid to late and he thought it was around the 19th.

What the Lame Cherry does as the expert on the matrix is teach you how this system of reading works so you understand it, and are not an idiot saying something like, "That is all bullshit", when that bullshit is how God operates in Prophecy on a different form of communication.

The Allgire group have a protocol which seems to be a white board. For a common term, what they are doing is automatic writing in they allow themselves to function as they distance themselves from awareness in this sphere by concentrating on the pen and then absorb information from the matrix.
I do something like this in the Prophetic Keyboard here, in I'm typing and accepting dictation form the Holy Ghost. There are all kinds of things I learn as I'm typing away and often when I start I'm thinking about how this starts out and by midway things go in a new direction as I'm being Inspired by information I had not considered.

It is like this Daz Smith in this 6 1 9 date. Politics are local. Remote Reading is local. Let me explain. Mr. Smith is in Britain. What he sees is from that viewing portal of England. There are a number of energies which influence and open energy doors, and that is why you get different flavors or looks of food in different locations, what Mr. Smith is viewing is influenced by the influence of the dominant Normans and Ashkenaz polluting the English field which is another structure of Monty Python clever little ditties.

I was listening to Rense with Allgire and Ed Riordan working. Ed Riordan is rather singular dimension in what he does, but that is not limiting. As he saw the Coronavirus before it was news. This group also thought they had a wrong reading on the Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York which followed as they could not see it. The reason they could not see it, was because of quarantines.  If these Remote Viewers were of the interest in defining Daz Smith's work, they should have looked to see if the 4th of July was still taking place in gatherings for fireworks as that would be a clue as to how large this first strike was and what was taking place. They should have done the same thing for Tehran, Moscow and wherever to get a read on the two leggers in what they were doing after this.

For the RVer's their preparations are time consuming to clean things out in interference, rituals like cleaning house, fasting, ice baths apparently and whatever to then a few days later conduct a session in a blind read. I do not reveal what methods I employ, but I really do not remote view or sense in any preparation. I either am projecting, sliding into what I'm looking for and then feeling the situation or I flash read which is far more efficient.
When I first heard about this first strike of Daz  Smith, I was flash reading in moments and within minutes I had the data I was looking for in what this person was locked onto.....I should not say locked onto as that is not correct, it is more a flash of energy was picked up by him and he interpreted what that energy was communicating as a packet. Once I knew what it was, where it was, what was taking place, I moved on. I can only communicate what this person picked up on. That does not make it a focal point which will take place for certain, it is only a vantage point of an event he sensed generating.

In this, that is why the Normans are a factor in this, because Daz Smith was picking up on one of their machinations in leaving some other peoples holding the bag and others fighting it out and being blamed as that is what the Normans and Ashkenaz do and I frown when I hear people blaming Anglo Saxons, when this is not those peoples, but instead those People's birthright has been hijacked by the same kind of twisters who installed Herod over the Judahites in Jesus time.

MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2024

As I'm healing up from a severe burn, I do have to devote more energy to that, and not having the time, the money due to non donors stealing things here, I do not dive into the matrix to sort this all out. I know for certain these events are pooling out there, reforming and generating in the matrix, but I have not locked onto events or dates as I have not undertaken the effort. Those behind these things are employing subterfuge and do not want to be blamed, even though they would bask in the credit, so things do not generate a true picture. The point being that Daz Smith received an impulse in England, because that is where like most of this shit is originating and he was drawn into a time line current in what these Normans desire to happen and are working to make happen.

Ed Riordan saw Coronavirus as from his location he ran into the packet were Gain of Function was coming out of America in Dr. Fauci's guiding hand into China in this global cut throat game.

We all have different location energy keys to open events. We influence them, our masters influence them, the masses influence them, but God is the Director of all of this as He is not in the matrix. He is Overlord so His stuff manifests every time and this other stuff ebbs and flows.

When I told you last December on the Allgire reads of an event and that this event would either generate in the Mideast or it would relocate to the United States, this is what Daz Smith was picking up on. In the archives is an examination of Sandy Hook in the wave it created to benefit Birther Hussein. It was only an event which only had so much fuel in it, and the real event then manifested on June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord. Events that are set in the Book, will keep generating until they take place.  What is the Daz Smith line will keep generating until it is replaced with a like event or generate into a bigger event in that field. People not wanting things to happen, only pent up more energy behind a holding dam, where it will in time break through with greater and opposite violent force as more energy is involved in that event.

The Russians seem to be aware of this in their Orthodox Mystics as they keep processing events to counter act what would be greater events. They hit Ukraine to stop a huge war. They are now promising escalation to stop that greater war. Each move is to stop the ICBM nuclear exchange. There is something going on in the Kremlin in they are knowing Russia will disappear, and are in each step bleeding off the destruction with lesser destructive forces to keep that plotted event from taking place.

I will repeat that I do not know the dates, but I do want the events as it moves the reality of Jesus returning to establish real peace. So I really do not get my panties tied in knots of first strikes, nuclear strikes or Bird Bugs. I do move to influence events in time lines and have moved things so thee American interior is not as great of focal point target for the Russians in those Minot warheads, as the Pentagon making Christian  Protestants fodder for these hateful wokesters is not acceptable. The work is to keep the heartland safe and the Eurasians can expend themselves on the coastal bunkerstate of the Normans, Ashkenaz and Dutch.

The following has been floating around for a few weeks and is picking up momentum and yes is England based like Daz Smith,  and that regime is telling it's cloth of the land to stock up on food.

We are moving into an upheaval few weeks due to stellar and planetary energizing the field. This is what is being picked up on, and the 4th of July eclipse is a focal point in this for a future time line in energies generated.

Indian Astrologer Kushal Kumar, Often Called The
‘New Nostradamus' Says WW3 Is Just Days Away

“Now, Tuesday, June 18, 2024 has the strongest planetary stimulus to trigger WW3 although June 10 and 29 may have a say as well.”

The claims come just days after UK officials launched a website to tell Brits what they need to stock up on in the event of war actually breaking out . . . which could be pretty soon, apparently.

As nuclear war did not start on the 18th according to the stars, we will see what the Pur generated for days in what follows. This should explain a bit more in what is being noted and why. If the events are held back, then greater events will manifest to overcome the psychic dam or malaise holding things back.

Nuff Said
