Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A Tale of Two Skirts


Berlin officially allowed Ukraine to use German weapons to attack the internal regions of Russia. This decision caused wide resonance and discussion both in Germany and abroad.

Germany's decision has caused alarm among some politicians. For example, German parliament member Sarah Wagenknecht expressed serious concern about the possible consequences of such a move. She reminded German Chancellor Olaf Scholz of the events of less than a century ago and warned against repeating the mistakes of the past.

Подробнее на: https://avia-pro.net/blog/pryamoe-vstuplenie-nato-v-konflikt-germaniya-odobryaet-udary-po-vnutrennim-regionam-rossii

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As Americans are being dragged into a world war, by moneychangers in the same episode of Woody Wilson and Frank Roosevelt in the last two world wars, most Americans are ignorant flat brains that a war is even being foisted on them, and those how comprehend this war, have no real idea how this is being driven.

A good example of this are two European  women, one in power, the other thrown out. Sarha  Wagenkecht is a left wing politician who is draining support from German AfD which is a right wing party and it has to do with being against dragging Germany into a world war. This seems simple in choice, but when you comprehend what is behind all of this, you are going to see more clearly how this is being driven when the majority of Germans want no part of war. Former East Germans who remember Rusian rape cock really do not want the Putin wolf venturing into Germany again, nor do they trust these faggots of NATO who will be on the first jet to Bunkerland Island when the missiles start flying.

According to Forsa poll for RTL/ntv, a total of 49% of respondents believe that Ukraine should be able to use Western weapons to strike military bases in Russia that the latter uses to carry out attacks on Ukraine.

Around 44% of respondents believe Ukraine should not be allowed to do so.

The poll revealed differences between the east and west of Germany: while 52% of residents of  Germany’s west support allowing Ukraine to strike military targets in Russia, 62% of respondents of Germany's east oppose it.

The differences are even greater among political parties: supporters of the Greens and the Free Democratic Party are most likely to be in favour if this decision (70% each), while supporters of Alternative for Germany (68%) and the Sarah Wagenknecht Alliance (75%) are most likely to stand against it.

It is the insane counter to Sarha Wagenknecht who must be heard. She is the Lloyd Austin, the Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raetheon, all backed by the faggot billionaire hedgefunders, running Black Rock Inc. whose profit margins are wars and in driving forward nuclear escalation.

Just read what Kajsa Ollongren stupidly admitted in a speech in pure Obama speak as this is how Obama and Biden have changed America in regulations and contracts. For Euorpeans like Germans, this all boils down to confiscated Russian money, buying weapons from them, which Ukraine and the Baltics are becoming a cheap source of weapons and munitions. To the point, "the Netherlands has to buy expensive F 35 nuclear suicide bombers from America. To offset this, they sell their old F 16 jets which no one wants to Ukraine. and if you read the fine print in this skirt Ollongren, you discover that the newly elected anti war government of the Netherlands can not stop the war, because the Netherlands has signed contracts where the Netherlands is directly building the murderous drones Ukraine is using, inside Ukraine factories, and there are lucre contracts to provide profits for the Netherlands selling munitions to Kiev.

The people of the Netherlands and Germany and France can vote all the please to stop a world war, but their regimes have this motion of force established, a sort of English Civil Service or American Agencies which it does not matter what the people want, as it is in Obama motion and continues to dictate policy like a Doomsday Device.

In principle, yes. There will be a new coalition, but they have agreed on continuing the support for Ukraine.

And what is also important is that my ministry has all kinds of contracts in place and a budget reserved for continuing support for Ukraine. And we, of course, are in different projects and coalitions like the F-16 coalition and the drone coalition, and we're working on Patriots.

For those who have listened to the always experts in this in thinking this is in military terms or vaporized city terms, there is a reality which Moscow will have to deal with, and it is not Bomber Harris firebombing Dresden in making war on civilians as Americans did incinerate Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 
No, what the Kremlin will have to do is an imprint of US Navy policy in the war against Japan, in destroying not the Japanese Navy, but Japanese shipping in World War II. What Moscow is going to have to initiate and complete is not what Vladimir Putin is threatening in small states like Netherlands and Greece being depopulated and being manufacturing crippled by nuclear options, but the first hypersonics and neutron tactical weapons, will have to target, the boardrooms of the conglomerates and financiers, not these puppet politicians, not even their industries, but the suits who bought the Netherland skirt,  so she signed the war contracts, which are making them huge profits and making all the civilians targets.

Until Russia destroys the cartel elite, it will be the same measure as Nazi Germany continue the war until the last and all of their boardroom people survived while millions of Germans died. Russia is not going to bomb the ball bearing factories as the allies did Germany in trying to stop Hitler, but Russia is going to have to meticulously decapitate the perpetual ruling apparatus of the West which has driven all of this for hundreds of years.

What the world is being told is, "You are going to have a world war whether you want it or not as the contracts have been signed for munitions productions. Our bombs are going to be use by Kiev to kill and cripple Russians, and when Russia follows our bombs home to our states, we will not die, but you the people will die by Russia's hand by design, while we live in our luxury shelters you paid for just as in past wars. Your being dead, means you will not rise up to hang us and your being dead, means there are fewer of you for our police state to put into concentration camps and eliminate as we move to divide the spoils of Russia and China."

This is the riddle which is taking place in every regime in the West.  Unless Russia can sever this program of these wetware, this will continue to drive the computer body toward doomsday.

Nuff Said
