Friday, June 28, 2024

Biden stumbled enough for the Measuring of a Political Casket

I'm the fittest man at having a 90 minute long fit.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When Dictator Biden decided to attempt to mimic Senator Lloyd Bentson humiliating Dan Quayle for not being a John Kennedy, Bentson had a cheering mob who actually wanted him and Michael Dukakis in the White House. When geezer Biden tried to remind voters of Trump Porn,  it met with silence as Democrats do not want Biden in this race or the White House.

Let us face the reality here for Joe Biden. Joe Biden is not a Democrat. Joe Biden is a globalist Jewish banking asset creating shortages for profit, genocide for profit and invasion for profit. Joe Biden is fulfilling the hatred of the left of people not like them, but Joe Biden is not providing the Bill Clinton Wall Street bribe or the Nigger Fix of Barack Hussein Obama in not being a racist. Joe Biden's constituents are not getting anything from the Biden graft, only the mega rich are. That is why Joe Biden is in trouble.

So when this old man shows up at a debate, hiding he is sick like Hillary Clinton coughing up a lung, people who are not getting anything from Biden, notice he lied about his health again. They noted he does not blink, because he is on meds. They noticed he can not finish a thought or a sentence. Excuses which were made for Basement Biden in 2020 AD in that election theft to get rid of Trump, are not valid, because Democrats are realizing that they can not steal enough votes to put Biden into power again, and Trump is going to be installed. That is why Democrats are upset as Biden is not a narcotic to their lost souls like Obama, not a bribe like Bill Clinton to make them feel worth, and this disaster of Joe Biden is such a schism that he is so unpopular he can not even steal an election.

Let us be frank. Obama Inc. has been plotting coups and they want Biden gone.

Meet you on the other side.

But the damage had been done. The postmortems proved to be especially devastating, with Biden's former communications director Kate Bedingfield calling his performance “really disappointing” on CNN. John King, CNN's chief national correspondent, said Biden's performance had sparked "a deep, a wide and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party." David Axelrod, former chief strategist and adviser for President Barack Obama, said he thought there would be discussions about whether Biden should continue the campaign.

Trump, meanwhile, boasted about taking cognitive tests and how he “aced them.”

All Donald Dump had to do was show up and not die on stage. Trump actually did well in snapping the old man's ears from behind in reminding voters that Biden is a sick old man, which he is. Trump won the debate in he just had to not be a sick old Joe Biden. He scored more in not being a lunatic and by flicking Biden's ears.

I still hold with Veterans Today analysis that Michigan Governor Whitmar is going to be chosen to lose to DIA Trump. Trump due to Paul Singer primary theft is going to get Marco Rubio in as Vice President, as Trump has a shelf life.

The reason that Obama Inc. would step aside in the powers that be is there is a super depression coming. There is war coming. There is an economic implosion. There is an invasion riot coming. The globalists caused this all, and it is astute to hand this over to Trump and the Ziongelicals, to ruin them, and then reappear with some Big Mike Obama and Gavin Newsome ticket in 2028 AD in the year of our Lord, with the bunkerstate in control of scorched earth nuclear war America.

What the world saw is Joe Biden as his best which is troubling. This was not the dope hyped up Biden of the cranky State of the Union. This was with all the meds the morticians have not being able to make Biden function. If one simply looks at the photos of Biden from before, they are not the same, because when the brain degrades, the facial muscles change in relaxing in that vacuous gaze. We all know that Joe Biden should not be in the White House, any more than  stroked out Woody Wilson was there, but Democrats want him gone and are terrified their coup will make things worse. Obama Inc. would love to look thoughtful and take the credit for getting rid of Biden, but they do not want the blame for the loss.

This probably will go to the DNC, so the mob there will get the blame for ousting Biden and Harris and that is how Govenor Whitmer appears with some sacrificial primate of some colour, maybe White as the White queer could be tapped and blamed for being incompetent.

As I'm out of politics, I only have interest in the psychology and how the people behind this are moving pieces. From the reviews, the left CIA media wants Biden gone and have put that idea into the public. It is just theater of Shakespeare in will Cassius appear or will the nutty old king get to wander around and fade away.

I'm being a good girl and staying out of all of this and you should to.

The questions going in were whether Donald Trump could control himself, and whether Joe Biden could hold it together for 90 minutes. The answer to the first question was “yes.” To the second? “Not so much.”

President Biden’s performance was shockingly bad. All that can be said is he got through the debate alive. Confused, lost, stumbling, mumbling and very angry, but he was still there and breathing when it ended.

It was shocking.

I don't know if Joe Biden deserves the ruination he has brought on himself as an old man in not being protected by his wife and family, but the displaced Americans due to invaders, the dead in Gaza and Ukraine, probably would say he deserves the political bed he made.

Nuff  Said
