Monday, June 24, 2024

Lebanon: A Jewish Wet Dream Meets Fire and Brimstone


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Red Heifer slowly sinks into the quagmire of Tel Aviv messiah complex, there  is no greater definition in what differentiates a Judahite from and Ashkenaz, because a Judahite's priority would be the rebuilding of the Temple. An Ashkenaz is genocide of other races.

The Lame Cherry is perplexed in what this Netanyahu cabal is engaged in, in starting another holocaust in Lebanon. You will understand in reading the Hal Turner update, which does not include Tel Aviv threatening to blow up the Chinese ports in Lebanon which will not endear them to Peking in this repeat of the Ariel Sharon madness in the defeat of Tel Aviv by Hezbollah decades ago.

I will explain in a bit.

The Ambassadors of Italy, France, England, Sweden, and Germany, have been instructed by their governments to "evacuate Lebanon immediately" because Intelligence information says "war is imminent."  Diplomatic staff are visibly panicking as they flee.

The Saudi Arabian Embassy in London warns of the risk of world war after the announcement of an imminent Israeli invasion of South Lebanon : " It is important that everyone understands the danger that awaits us. The conflict will not remain regional, but will very quickly become international. "

Egypt has sent multiple messages to Washington saying: Do not underestimate Nasrallah’s statements or the capabilities of Hezbollah."

Iran and the Taliban in Afghanistan are now discussing “joint action” against Israel!

DANGEROUSLY AMBIGUOUS: France announces it is willing to send its armed forces to stand with the Lebanese Army on the Border of Israel.  (None of us can figure this one out.  Will that be to defend Lebanon?  Attack Hezbollah?  Attack Israel?   . . . . . or to surrender to all of them?)

The Canadian military is drawing up plans to evacuate 45,000 people from Lebanon should a full-scale war break out between Israel and Hezbollah.

Sources in US CENTCOM tell me “The US is concerned Israel’s Iron Dome could be overwhelmed in war with Hezbollah.”  This right after giving all patriot missiles for defense to Ukraine!

The original deadline given to Hezbollah by Israel was to move its forces north of the Litani River BY JUNE 24.   Hezbollah has already flatly refused.   It is now not clear if Israel will step-up its timetable, or if Hezbollah will be the ones to initiate combat.  This could begin literally at any moment.


Kuwait urges its citizens to avoid travel to Lebanon.

So you understand Lebanon, I  will include a few maps. The first map explains the Druz, Christian and Muslim placements in Lebanon. Hezbollah controls both north and south Lebanon.

The second map shows the absolute control Hezbollah has in positions,embedded with towns filled with civilians. As Tel Aviv has no problem massacring civilians, there will be an immense body count as in Gaza. The point of map two is to show the known locations in how much weaponry Hezbollah has which is known.

Next we come to known tunnels in south Lebanon alone. Hezbollah has been building tunnels with North Korean and Iranian support for 30 years. There miles of these tunnels in what looks like hundreds of miles of tunnels in Lebanon. The IDF could not deal with the tunnel complex of Gaza and what Lebanon has is 100 times more complex.

The last illustration is of north Lebanon, where Hezbollah has tunnels large enough for trucks to drive through to transport missiles and to launch these missiles from underground.

Expert: Hezbollah has built a vast tunnel network far more sophisticated than Hamas’s

This is why the Lame Cherry is perplexed. The United States in Vietnam faced nothing like Hezbollah's tunnels and that tunnel network defeated the Pentagon planners. As the point is to neutralize Hezbollah and the tunnels, there are not enough bombs to accomplish this. There are not drones. If neutron or nuclear weapons were burst overhead, the tunnels protect. The IDF troops are not going to go into these tunnels to root out Hezbollah as their dead amplified by 100 would glean 30,000 dead Jews.

One could cobalt radiation the ground for 5 years of death, but that dust would be all over the Jews in every wind.

I'm reminded of Adolf Hitler stating he desired to conquer Switzerland. His generals replied, that they could do it, but he would not have an army left to conquer Europe.

The United States has already bankrupted itself and Ukraine in a few months of Jewish Gaza holocaust. America does not have the arms supply for a war in Lebanon of what would be required. An area much smaller than Lebanon is Gaza, and Tel Aviv still has not demolished the location. It would require two years to bomb south and north Lebanon to rubble and the United States does not have that kind of bomb production.

So I'm perplexed in what wonder potion Tel Aviv is going to unleash and the District of Crooks under Bidencon has Kaganite signed off on in this venture.

Hezbollah will as Russia has in Ukraine, defeat missile defense by making Iron Dome use up the defense on expendable drones and katushas. Hezbollah has the resources to strike 3 end of State Tel Aviv targets:

1. The electrical power grid.

2. The water pipeline grid.

3. The nuclear reactor at Dimona.

It would take months to restore electrical power. It would take months to restore water. Cherhobyl is still spewing out radioactive poison, so that is not going away. This war on projection will force the population of Ashenaz to flee to Ukraine which as room as Zellinskyy has killed off 1 million Christians.

Perhaps this is the policy to get rid of the voters and have this cabal rule the State of Tel Aviv in some Security Zone administered by European elders, as Ariel Sharon in his blitz was thrown out of Lebanon and an even more complex and armed defense is there now. Unless Tel Aviv has some kind of crimes against humanity weapon, which turns humans into puddles of mush by cooking them in tunnels, there simply is not a conventional warfare way to wind this..........

As this will expand to Iran which Saudi Arabia is warning of, along with it going next to world war as America is drawn in, in another ridiculous defense pact with Tel Aviv, and I think you can thank Donald Trump for that nuttery in placing US troops under Tel Aviv command.

Tel Aviv is now in the extermination policy, as what is done in Gaza, will have to take place in Lebanon, then Iran, then Yemen, then Egypt, then Turkey and one can add Americans to this the methods the IDF uses on Muslims is what Muslims, Koreans, Chinese and Russians will resort to on Americans.

In noting all of the above, thee only type of IDF operations which would have some semblance of military success would be to make Hezbollah fire there arsenal of 130,000 missiles, attmept to shoot down the big stuff, pin down the fighter in their tunnels with sorties, drones and artillery, while special commando raids crack open main tunnels, which will have been mapped by geological radars, enter with robots and attempt to clean them out with flame throwers. The Lame Cherry does not believe these woke sex deviant Ashkejews are up to a demanding operation as this.

The Jews will not make the Sharon mistake in rolling in the tanks for a fight like that.

What is taking place now is the Reich paradigm of opening a Polilsh war and getting a French and English war which becomes a 3 front war of England, Africa and Russia. Tel Aviv already has the Gaza front in those fighters are not finished. Jewish military leaders have warned that there is not going to be a Jewish nation left in what is taking place.That projects to be the case.

Nuff Said

