Thursday, June 27, 2024



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

All through World War II, the German nuclear physicists were compartmentalized into three primary groups to make an "atomic bomb". The Germans succeeded at this, but were Star Trek ahead of the West, so much so that we still do not comprehend what they had, because the Germans had moved on from the firecracker of the atomic bomb, and were already dealing with hydrogen bombs, and a technology involving plasma which was  global ending.
The facts of this are all in plain sight in different sources.As this blog exposed, the Germans were attaining nuclear reactions with 11 pounds of nuclear material while it took 23 pounds in the West. Sources kept explaining German material as Sirius White Dwarf in a collapsed star creation of highly dense material weighing 2000 pounds per cubic inch.

When the Americans appeared at one of the nuclear bunkers, the scientists emerged and explained that the huge mountain of thorium they had was for making toothpaste. In doing a simple internet search, one can find that throrium can be not just a fuel for energy which Germany needed, but could be realigned into Uranium 233, a very sound atomic bomb solution. The Germans did not need the atomic bomb primer for their hydrogen bombs, because they had Red Mercury, again a type of German nuclear recipe involving mercury and throrium which would ignite a hydrogen bomb, created inside the super rotating anti gravity cavity of fast decay of the German Bell.

Thorium reactors work by breeding Th-232 through Protactinium-233 (27.4 day half life) and into Uranium-233, which is fissile. Pa-233 is a pretty strong neutron absorber, so the MSBR (basically the LFTR) has to extract it from the core once it is produced and let it decay to U-233 away from the neutrons. Once the U-233 is created, it gets fed back into the reactor. Well, if you went rogue, you could build up a little excess reactivity (maybe add some low-enriched U-235?) and then divert the freshly-bred U-233 into a weapons stream to make U-233 nuclear bombs. It may be difficult to do this several times without going subcritical, but it certainly could be done. A U-233-filled bomb has been tested before, and it worked just fine.

But don’t take my word for it. Here is a declassified letter entitled LRL interest in U-233 from the USA’s top nuclear weapons design team from 1966. It says:

Now for another revelation for you to expand your understanding. Auschwitz WAS NOT A DEATH CAMP. The propaganda of this has to end in this Holocaust money pit for Ashkejew rapine of the world which has led to holocausts in Ukraine and Gaza at present. Auschwitz was not built for dealing with Jews. Auschwitz was an agreed upon industrial center where the Elders sold ghetto Jews to the Nazi Reich for labor. That labor camp employed tens of thousands of laborers  to build this facility which IG Farben listed as a synthetic rubber plant or buna facility. This plant for four years, used more electricity than the biggest cities in the world. What was taking place there was industrial refinement, using lasers to create nuclear material.

The laser refinement process could do with 10 workers what in America required 10,000 workers. Auschwitz has been hidden forever as a fictional death camp, when in reality it was an advanced German atomic refinement facility. The dead Jew myth has been cover for this reality. None of these concentration camps were extermination camps. Every one of them involved forced labor as the Germans were producing advanced technologies there and the facilities would not be bombed due to human shields.

The Reich would not have needed a mountain of thorium to win the war with atomic weapons, which they had already abandoned as dirty and not powerful enough. Thorium is what the Germans chose for reason, and as they had perfected the uranium, which was in supply in Germany, they had moved to thorium, because that was the clean and catalyst material for their advanced phase of energy and weapon plasma generated production.
I firmly believe that the Germans were engaged in using plasma as a detonation device of their heavy white dwarf material, but had left it behind as Adolf Hitler had rejected the use of nuclear weapons after their initial and successful tests in the Eastern Front. Absolutely, I believe the Germans had perfected a high energy weapon of heat using atomic reactions, but it was not absolutely clean. The Germans being efficient did not want radiation pollution of their forces nor of their occupied landscape, so they chose not to use radioactive producing weapons. (As the war degraded, the Reich was already thinking beyond creating a million man Reich army outside of Germany to creating an industrial and financial syndicate to conquer the world. One can not conquer a world of infused funded America if it was glowing with radioactive debris and tumor laden children. America was spared for that, but America will not be spared in what is coming as the Fifth Reich will not need America as the Fourth Reich did in exploitation.)

The Germans for lack of a better term, had in process a plasma bomb, which they perfected after the war. That is what is out there in this meisterkrieg.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
