Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Over the Horizon Chess

As a man or woman, Vladimir Putin is the best
over the horizon chess player on the planet.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is always a great deal of rhetoric from the keyboard commandos in 3 Dem Chess, but there never is any evidence of it in these Tavistock Stanford Pentagon operations which are nothing but slimy bait and switch like on Jan6.

In observing Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin as the good cop to former President Dmitry Medvedev as the bad cop. a pattern has emerged in this final countdown which reveals there is a great deal of long range planning in what the Kremlin engages in.

When Mr. Putin on Tucker Carlson's schoolboy interview, explained historically the Russian legal position and he literally told the Bush43 administration that if NATO and America broke their word to Russia on putting NATO in the east, that Russia was building a hypersonic missile system to counter this, and to this Robert Gates and Condi Rice replied, "Just do not aim it at us". With that caveat, Mr. Putin built an extensive hypersonic conventional and nuclear missile system to counter what the West is now engaged in, having lied to the Kremlin in a bait and switch at Minsk.

Russia in all of this is the honest broker. They tell you they are going to do something and they do it. NATO woke though time and again is shown the pedo liar group in saying one thing, and doing another. The latest are these F 16's of America and British nuclear missiles. It goes as follows.

General Faggot of NATO happened to mention in a press briefing that it will be NATO F 16's and NATO pilots making bombing runs into Russia.

Faggot Jens stated what has been suspected in there are a salting of Kiev Nazi pilots in this flight of jets, and the majority are former NATO pilots, already trained in F 16's. Of course the Slavs will be expendable as some Dung Ho  American hovers as command leader on the border while the Norman English hide back in England molesting pigs and children. What you have in these F 16's are low IQ Slavs in an underpaid world, being paid suicide wages to get into these cockpits on suicide runs, pretending to be Ukrainians.

Now granted as this blog will report, these F 16's when they do take off, will have a cloud of drones and other missiles loaded into the skies to overwhelm Russian defenses, so the Storm Shadows hit their crippling targets, but this is all just an F 35 electronics test phase to see how it does against the Russian S 400 systems in combat. These jets when knocked down will only be over Ukrainian, Polish, Black Sea or Romanian territories, where they will be salvaged and sold on the black market for millions to China, for a coming war, as that spy plane that Bush43 gave to Peking the first week he was installed only goes so far in old electronic warfare and China needs the new stuff to down F 35's as the military profit complex does not make billions if China is not downing American high priced war machines.

In the meantime, we have another Putin move on the chessboard and we will address that on the other side.

As this was taking place, North Korea crossed the border into South Korea, under the now protection of the Russian Pacific Fleet conducting operations off Japan and South Korea.

The above was coordinated after the Putin Un Summit in Pyongyang for Mutual Assured Defense Treaty 1. It also gave Pyongyang strategic missiles to nuke Guam, South Korea and Japan. A major naval operation just does not happen. That requires months of planning and getting ships into shape. Do not miss this. Mr. Putin months ago, planned to give nuclear missiles to North Korea, conduct a naval expedition and baby sister, have Pyongyang piss inside of South Korea under gunfire. This just did not happen. The Kremlin has an order of operations and it is 3 D chess. It is timed and coordinated as the surprise visit to the West of Russian nuclear ships and submarines on the surface to Cuba and Venezuela, along with a Russian nuclear submarine revealing itself to the British, instead of hiding undetected.

This is all in coordination with the NATO F 16 and British nuclear Storm Shadow Missile deployment. Russia knows what is coming, months ahead of time and Russia is moving, taking territory in Ukraine to secure it's borders and Russia is counteracting in devastating ways the bunglers of the woke West are plodding along.  Each time NATO moves a pawn forward, Russia is there with a gambit of a rook or bishop outflanking this NATO half wit group.

This is what you must be aware of. Russia knows what it is doing, before NATO does it's thing. Russia is not reacting, Russia is counteracting and it's actions are overwhelming if this comes to where NATO wet dreams of in a shooting war where Slavs are fodder and Americans do the dying for their war.

This is not just warfare where Russia is moving. Mr. Putin became the darling of the West with his he man photos he produced as a real outdoor macho guy. Russia was manufacturing to the delight of Americans piles of cheap ammo and guns. There is so much of this stuff that even after sanctions I bought several boxes a few months ago in a farm store.
The striking blow more lethal than nuclear strikes is Russia having become the lead in BRICS. BRICS is now an economic freedom device for nations to not have to pay American whore debt. BRICS is a venue where nations with sound currencies can trade for real goods without exchange rates. Mr. Putin advanced this further, again this was years in the making, in BRICS is going to have it's own military enforcement umbrella. BRICS is going to be the enticement which will bring Mexico into the fold where it will be Russian nuclear missiles in Mexico and Chinese troops, ordering the District of Criminals who gets into America and who does not.

This should comfort most of you, as none of this is out of control. This is Russia having assessed which controlled moves will be required, months and years in advance. That idiotic manipulation of the Zellinskyy Peace Summit in Switzerland, demanding Russia bankrupt itself for reparations and Russia to be ended for 200 ethnic groups, only makes BRICS more determined as every nation is threatened by these banker bullies, know their time is coming, and in each phase nations like China, Brazil, India, Iran, Vietnam will work some North Korean subterfuge like counterfeiting, outright theft and passing along intelligence to Russia, but not to America, which combined has devastating results.

Russia is aware of this F 16 ramp up, in  the target is the mass murder of Russian civilians flying in airliners inside Russia for 300 plus miles. That is why the Rainbow Warriors informed Americans to not travel to Russia, because Kiev is going to use F 16's to create a no fly zone in Russia by F 16 terrorism. 

Instead of mercenaries flying as Ukrainians, the next phase after the No Fly Zone will be NATO pilots flying missions to slaughter Russian armies inside Ukraine and inside Russia.  This is the stalemate and what Dictator Biden wants to announce by September to propagandize the situation for his trying to stay in the White House where he can pardon his gun toting sex deviant doper son, Hunter immediately.

Biden is risking nuclear war in Ukraine to save his crime family from prison.

As stated, Mr. Putin knows what is coming, and there are already Russian countermeasures which will be in place and will be announced.

There are those like Jeff Rense and Paul Craig Roberts who keep soliciting that Russia end his war by a smashing victory. Russia has this contained in Ukraine. If this was not in Ukraine, it would be somewhere else. Russia comprehends the clock of this, and can win on the woke West clock which is ticking off years in advance. By the time those years are finished, BRICS will have the majority of world population consumers, a global army to protect it's interests, moving into space and an ever expanding sponge of economic absorption from the West. The Kremlin fully understands that BRICS needs just one of two nations to cement this. Germany or Japan. Which cracks first and abandons the wokesters is a paradigm which will take place, as long as Russia keeps Crazy Ivan off the board and keeps it's wings outflanking the board.

Nuff Said
