Friday, June 14, 2024

The Nuclear Sponge


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is something in me which has always been absolutely disgusted with the Pentagon and all the District of Criminal politicians and the basic Christian American States in their politicians who allowed every one of their people, men, women and children to be targets of vaporization and radiation poisoning, while the rest of America was meant to survive.

Something in me is repulsed by the fact that in essence 100 American lives can be bought with the life of 1 American incinerated for rotting from radiation to death.

Here is a map of the United States nuclear silos and or the nuclear bomber bases. There are people out there and these nuclear missiles. I have driven over this area and it is eerie to drive by these silos, many of which are right along a highway, and know that there is more explosive energy just a few yards away that if it went off, you would only see a flash and be no more.

My question is, is your life worth the lives of the people out there, because in this Asian Times article they just call this a missile sponge area, meant to draw in 400 Russian warheads to use up a quarter of their arsenal.

I have written how Russia is not stupid, in they are not going to strike first, and they are not going to waste their warheads on empty silos, so this idea of wasting lives on the "plains" to buy your life is a lie. This is though what the Pentagon has built part of their defense, once again, built upon nuclear cannibalism, of one life being expediently wasted for the lives of others.

You heard the same repulsive logic from Jews in the Sanhedrin who said it was expedient for one Jesus to die for a Jewish nation. That kind of had a punchline in 70 AD after death in the year of our Lord, resulted in an interest payment in every Jew in that nation was raped or shipped out in chains for murdering Jesus.

I suppose you have condemned Jews for murdering Jesus to save their lives. I have not heard allot of condemning yourself for murdering the children of Jesus out in this section of America.

As for the positives, Asia Times noted in April 2023 that ICBMs act as a “missile sponge” to draw incoming enemy missiles, forcing an adversary engaging in a preemptive strike to use enough missiles to destroy widely-dispersed nuclear silos.

ICBMs also provide a first-strike capability since almost all are on alert and they can launch in minutes. 

HAARP  has been busy as this blog has exposed in spreading radioactive waste to make you shit blood out of your asses like the people you did not really care about or have given a thought about as the wager for survival.

As I have said, I find this all unAmerican. I have actually without result, tried to get these nuclear bases moved, but for some reason the political whores in these states spread their legs for missile stiffies as the Pentagon bribes these states with lots of money to eliminate these states one day.

Oh I believe in nuclear weapons, but I'm a Republican nuclear weapon person. I like submarine nuclear weapons as the American population is not the target.

What I don't get is are these silos on American soil? Would not silos on the American continental shelf be just as effective? Of course it would and no Americans would be vaporized.

Is that not what this was supposed to be about is stopping lots of Americans being dead? That is what these nuke were for, to keep people alive, not vaporized.

Yet all of this nuclear triad is shit for brains. These nuclear bombers are bullshit as America has Star Wars in near space. So this nuclear sponge of Americans is not just obsolete, there is something psychotic in the Pentagon and these politicians, as Ronald Reagan did missile defense to stop this mass death of Americans, but  why is it that America has not shifted their nuclear arsenal so that Americans are not dying, no more than the deer and antelope.

This is something the Lame Cherry focuses on in this shit for brains nuclear sponge. I protest these people being destroyed so that I could live. That is wrong. It is immoral and it is unAmerican. Every American has the right to life, liberty and how to live their life, even if this cartel woke shit is moving to erase and replace them. It is past time that the Pentagon and the politicians of the police state stop this quip pro mass murder.

It is time that these United States of America be nuclear bomb free. There are other places these warheads should be stationed and not among the Citizens. It is time the entire Pentagon and these stooge politicians be called out and made to answer the question in why they are doing this as it is just uninformed.

As I can figure this out in Inspiration, it should occur to the greedy tools of satan in shifting the nuclear triad would cost more money to profit these whores.

No American life can be bartered away for another life or lives. It is time the Nuclear Sponge ends.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
