Thursday, July 11, 2024

Beware the Predators in Republicans

We don't bomb the people we hate like Tel Aviv does, we are more civilized
in we just tax the people we hate and drive them from their homes.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have stated that I'm a Republican, William McKinnley, Calvin Coolidge, Ronald Reagan. What I desire to warn all of you out there in the right, is the insidious hijacking down to the grass level of what the GOPliters have unleashed in your homes at the behest of the oligarchs.

We do not have much and in the Brier and it is worth nothing really. It is pasture, sloughs, rocks and trees. It is not farmland. This is about real estate taxes to drive everyone off the land as this blog has warned, and how this is not coming from your local county, but from the oligarch state.I do reside in what is called a  Republican state, but that genre has left the building long ago.

So where we were, is small acreage. We got assessed last year, all was wonderful as the woman doing it, hated Bill Gates and every oligarch on the planet. Our taxes went down 300 dollars. I was so pleased.

So Brier County put their assessment in, and the Capitol came back with, "YOU HAVE UNDERVALUED YOUR REAL ESTATE", of course they had as most people out here do not have any money and those Goddamn big farmers are buying up land along with speculators at almost 10,000 an acre. You can not make that kind of money out in the Brier off of farming. It is what these assholes have done with the real estate agents who swept in here and spiked prices, keeping people from being able to afford land. This is United Nations globalists by design.

So I was doing taxes, and our real estate taxes appeared and I about shit. I was in a fury. My taxes had gone up over 300% in one year. I can not afford that.

So I called up the Treasurers office, they looked at it, took it to the adjuster, and in my county we have good people, in the real process I'm supposed to go the Commissioners which I do not have a vehicle to run that far, and then finally the courts to sue. My adjuster looked at things, and said, "Yeah the state told us we had everything too low in value, so they forced us to hit small acreages." Yeah the thousands of acres rich farmers don't get hit, but people like me that the GOPliters want to force off the land. This is by design to herd people into cities.

We talked and I said I didn't blame them, and we talked some more and he finally said, "I really can't do anything this year as our hands are tied, but I will send you a letter that we have re assessed your land as agriculture and then we can assess it back down. This was supposed to be graduated over a few years, but they made us do it in one year".

I thanked them, have to pay this robbery by my state Republicans, who are doing this at the behest of the oligarchs and I can promise you that all of this shit is backing and tied directly into Donald Trump, where all this shit started was with Romney GOPliters and was put into full force by Birther Hussein Obama to get rid of Christian Rural Americans.

I'm not alone in this, This is going to nail everyone in America and the predators are in the GOP unleashing this globalist stealth genocide on Americans, but no one is telling you this. You hear about the UN Agenda, but no one tells you about this seeming small depopulation programme which is at work in every state.

To the point, the state does not get any money from real estate taxes. So it is none of their concern, this is local, and yet, her it is the state infringing on property value rights for the oligarchs to drive people off the land and to seize property.

I will trust in the Lord to make things right, as I always do. I pray this whole crooked system is brought down in this real estate holocaust in this American Genocide.

Nuff Said
