Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Build a Glass Wall Around Mr. Trump


Judd, a Democratic activist, said in a statement on Instagram: “All political violence of all kinds in all settings against all people is wrong.

“I would never want Mr Trump hurt.

“He is a human with a family, just as I am. My Pop and I hope he is okay and send encouragement to his family.

“Sending comfort to all present who were affected by such a malignant experience, especially the families of the deceased.

“America, we are, and must be, better than political violence.

“Thank you, all, who are exercising the goodness of your humanity in this fraught moment.”

Judd added that she was turning the comments on the post off as she had seen messages that had “appalled” her and she did not want to “host such inappropriate incivility”.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Elon Musk should fund our 12 man teams for sec3urity for Donald Trump, with a full bullet proof glass bubble around Mr. Trump  at every venue..........with the Secret Service outside that 12 foot barrier.

...........as the Butler event proved, the Secret Service was 5 seconds late, in the group on stage, never moved to protect Mr. Trump, and it required agents in the audience to sprint onto the stage to use their body's to shield the former President.

It was the most cringe worthy breach of security, to see only one agent raise his hands to protect Mr. Trump, and there is no excuse with even ear wig confirmation to hear the shooter is down, for agents to allow Mr. Trump to be seen at the podium, then allow another exposure at the stairs, and leave the former President on display to the public in the last 8 feet to the escort vehicle.

No one knew if there were other shooters or threats.

Mr. Musk needs to put his money into a security team set which rotates, are all Trump loyalists, including bomb sniffing dogs, and leave the Secret Service and local democratic law enforcement to apparently allow events like Butler to generate.

Nuff Said

