Sunday, July 28, 2024

Chinese Fire Hazard


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a warning again NOT to buy Chinese products.

I had built an incubator as a youth and the thing hatched chicks. I wanted though something with a automatic egg turner, so I tried a Chinese incubator as it looked ok. I made a mistake in (I thought water would evaporate out of the thing when no eggs hatched) and instead it stayed in there and rotted the wiring.

Being in a fix of a spot in someone sold us guinea eggs, I ordered another one in thinking it was my fault. It came, I sat eggs, two hatched, no duck eggs hatched and then the last chicken eggs were coming due when I noticed a plastic smell. I noticed the incubator seeming to pull down and with a day to go until the chicks hatched, IT QUIT.

That is when I noticed the cord at the plug in was  too hot to touch. The Goddamn thing had melted down.

Fortunately I had the one I made, put the eggs in there and we got 9 chicks out of 30 eggs.

I thought I could fix the Chinese ones and got the plug ins.......I took them apart and then I was stunned to see the light wiring in the wires. Honestly, I tried bending the fine wires, but they would not stay bent to hook them up. It was like they were plastic. I gave up and this is going to be a meltdown project or winter project as these incubators are FIRE HAZARDS. I have never seen such shit in my life in everything it substandard.

I know you do not have my mechanical abilities, but at least in this, I'm going to try and get better wiring, and make this work. On the rotted one, I'm going  to try two 25 watt incandescent bulbs on some kind of rubber coated rail for heat and then a thermostat, but this is such shit it just has me stunned.

Remember all of this Chinese shit is in everything from airplanes to transformers. This incubator had a tag on it that it was inspected. That is bullshit. This is what the DC regime and New York bankers let into America to swindle us for their kickbacks.

In the plug in..............there were two wires coming out of the incubator, meaning no ground wire to not be electrocuted. In the cord, there were 3, white and blue. It is supposed to be something like black, white and green now.

Just warning everyone again that China obliterated the US infrastructure with DC crooks and New York banksters and everyone of us is in danger.

Nuff Said
