Saturday, July 20, 2024

EPA Should have issued a Lead Alert for Butler Assassination


It seems I have more hands than time now

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With all of the shooting going on with toxic lead, we know it is toxic as the EPA has banned lead in favor or expensive poisons in our gasoline, the EPA should have issued a lead alert for Butler PA, in all the lead the platoon of shooters were exposing the public to in all that shooting.

Additional things need to be explained as more details of the Trump assassination are being rationed out to divert our attentions from Iran frames to Mr. Trump making the GOP the sodomite baby aborting party without guns.

What needs to be said is all Secret Service and that would be Homeland too, as you saw several of these military fat boys on stage not knowing what to do in their MP fatty state in they were not trained, is that they all have ear wigs. 
I knew immediately when Donald Trump got up that the com had been sent, "Shooter down", which made me wonder, why in the hell are they letting Mr. Trump be exposed as what about other shooters as they did not know.
So when you see the links below in one SS Agent doing his job behind the stage in getting people out of the way, what has taken place is ever SS Agent there has been hearing about someone wandering outside the perimeter. They have heard of other alerts, and they hear the tactical chatter of each other in what is being seen up close.
This SS Agent getting people moving before the shot, has definitely heard that there is someone on a roof, this person has a rifle, and this Agent's priority is to get people out of the way in the most non alarming way in crowd control to protect them. He was doing his job.

Secret Service-Type Agent Moves Fans Away
From Back Of Stage - He’s Bent Down Like He
Knows Something Is Coming And When The Shots
Begin He Ducks Down And STAYS DOWN - Does
NOT Go To Trump’s Aid - Video

Here Is The SAME Guy Moving The Same People
Away But This Is A Different Camera And The
Perspective Is Reversed - When Clip BEGINS
He Is FULLY Crouched Down On The Left And Gets
UP To Move The Same People Away And Then
Goes Down Again - Watch

As for the other agents there, there are supposed to be agents on stage with any dignitary to pull them down and shield them with their body. When the shots rang out, I was stunned that no one on stage moved. It takes seconds, where Mr. Trump has already saved himself before the agents swarm the stage. So you understand this part, there are tactical codes and phrases, when you see that number of agents running like raped apes toward Mr. Trump, their ear wigs have blared to them "Shots fired" and they are to abandon their position in the crowd, collapse to the person who they are protecting, check the person for wounds, and evacuate them.

This group got an F in protecting Donald Trump, but an A for response in moving to ground zero, which was too late as this would have been a JFK situation.

Again this agent behind the stage, appears to have acted without authorization, in he was experienced and was engaging in correct procedure. Everyone else was on a leash and afraid of causing a "media event".
I can assure you, that in knowing the situation which was developing, there should have been a ring of agents around Mr. Trump, with bullet proof glass in place. I can assure you that no one who is being protected, gets to tell the Secret Service they are going to do what they want. I would remind you on 9 11 that Vice President Dick Cheney was picked up and carried to the bunker by agents.

What is at the center of this though is the Mr. Crooks manifestation who seems to be more Mr. Smiley (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy) in more cell phones than James Bond in overseas accounts and flying his own air force around in restricted skis (Secret Service had no drone deployments that day.)

We know that Mr. Crooks is at the gun range, shooting the day before. We know he purchased a ladder, never used it as the Secret Service had a ladder on the building, and we know that his range finder, bomb devices and whatever was treated more like a man walking his dog than wandering around in a presidential venue.

In the above photo of said Mr. Crooks, we learn something in we were lied to. We were told that Mr. Crooks was adusting his scope on his rifle, among other things for 30 minutes as Secret Service observed him.

I found his rifle, a higher priced range AR 15 in the Panther.

There are 4 models listed and the one below which is closest to what Mr  Crooks had does not have sites as it is supposed to be scope mounted. In the highlighted photo, one can clearly see THERE IS NOT A SCOPE ON MR. CROOKS RIFLE.

He is shooting open sights, appears to have glasses as thick as coke bottles, his neck is not stretched out as those same glasses appear down on his nose, meaning he is having problems lining the sights in seeing them and what he is shooting at.

This is not someone sent in to hit a target, but miss a target.

Yes this is a GEN, but Mr. Crooks is not some low IQ kid. He does research and he would comprehend as he searched out Biden and Trump, that there is such a thing as security, and he is not going to show up for work the next day as he told his employer as he is going to be shot. He acted though like he was going to walk in and walk out.

The Lame Cherry is going to include an enhanced CBS map, as they are stating that Mr. Crooks was the lone shooter.

It is vital to understand in the posted 2 Shooter video, that when one studies that video, in examining the bleachers behind Mr. Trump's left along with eyewitness reports that the 3 green lines added, detail this.

To the left of Mr. Trump is the Alexi Lane line where there is the only roof available which witnesses stated a shooter was on. This is a lodge.

The second shooter line in the middle is of consequence as this follows the bullet path of TWO BULLETS which strike almost instantly. The Lame Cherry conclusion is that there are two shooters on this line.

THEY ARE NOT shooting at Mr. Trump. One shooter hits a derrick holding up that giant graph and immediately a bullet moves through the top row of the crowed in those bleachers and one can see the shockwave of the reaction moving right to left before knocking down the biggest man there dressed in white.

The flight path here shows concession stands or standing bleachers as platforms to fire from.

Of consequence to this, is when this takes place, two people look directly into the camera recording. They are looking at Mr. Trump, but their to their left at where they heard the bang originate. That line of site is in front of Mr. Trump where two derricks are parked.

From the data at present, Mr. Crooks did fire rounds at Mr. Trump. The left bleacher shooters fired deliberately into that area. 

The derricks out front that the two witnesses look toward is a shot which their is no information, unless this was the shot that hit the derrick  to the left of these bleachers to mark the site in order to blackmail the DOJ for lying to Americans again.

Lastly, we do not know in this parallel path of Mr. Crooks and the lodge platform, who it was that nicked Mr. Trump's right ear when he turned as it could have been either party.

In this evidence, there were at least 4 shooters, if not 5 present, most of whom were not firing at Donald Trump and most of whom were muddying up the waters to cause Warren Report distrust in thee American regime again.
