Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Gouche Trump


Trump Vance - a TRANCE no one wants

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Donald Trump has become the Colonel Wilhelm Klink of politics. No one on this planet could survive an assassination attempt, gain a 20 point polling lead over Biden and in one day, obliterate it with TRUMP GOUCHE.

For those who do not remember Trumps attempted entry into pro football, it was with the New Jersey Generals. Picture Penthouse whores as cheerleaders in tasteless porn. Trump would add Miss America to his tastelessness.

It all started on the convention floor when the Trump children were lounging around like naked Rose Kennedy by the pool, as Joe paraded his latest secretary bimbo in front of visitors. No one wanted to see that anymore than the grinning self absorbed Trumplings acting like they were the Republican Royals.

It got worse as Don jr., the Frankenstein look alike, with that mouthsome huge breasted thing he is having sex with started ranting at reporters.

Don jr. was not done though as he is the one who told his daddy, "You have to pick my Tweet Pal, the Hillbilly Nazi as he likes everything I say.

The avalanche went on from there, as Trump started pushing sodomy, perverts, baby aborting and removing the Second Amendment. All of which is fine if you are Democrat Biden, but that is not the Republican Convention.

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Then came the announcement of Hillbilly Nazi JD Vance.......a rather dubious kind of little bastard whose father fled the scene and mummy could not find enough husbands to marry but one did provide a name for Vance.....which was not Vance.......instead the Grandparents raised this kid, who went off to fight the war in Iraq as as Marine with a pen.
Somewhere along the way, he told Jesus to get lost as he had a Pope, married some Bombay Black Hole, and started wearing eyeliner............like the trans sex deviants who introduced Vance to the Republican Convention.

In reading comments on Zero Hedge, they summed up the feeling in revulsion over this Vance who is a product of queer billionaire nation rapist Peter Thiel, in no one wants this repulsive Holler Folk who the Appalachians can not stand.....though Don jr just gushes over the man with mascara

So is it any wonder that Donald Trump blew the good will of an entire party and nation in taking the Iwo Jima moment of Butler Pennsylvania, and throwing the Minute Man guns away, bayoneting babies with abortions, spreading the stench of penis anus and picking a Vice President who hates the Tea Party, MAGA and that means Republicans.

Donald Trump is the biggest political disaster on the planet. At this point, it is not Joe Biden who should quit, but Donald Trump should quit, the convention should appoint Marco Rubio of the DIA and he should pick Tulsi Gabbard as the Vice President and at least then the Republicans would not have Obama Orange and Obama White leading their ticket.

Trump and Vance........yes the word is TRANCE, for their tranny sex deviants and the zombie politics of political retardation they are engaged in.

Nuff Said

