Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Heritage 2025


The United States and its allies also face real threats from Russia, as evidenced by Vladimir Putin’s brutal war in Ukraine. 

(Yes but this war started because George HW Bush looted Russia, 
Bill Clinton allowed Russia to be humiliated, George W. Bush lied to Russia
about not expanding NATO,  Barack Hussein Obama scammed Russia,
Donald Trump dumped more American troops into NATO to intimidate Russia
and Joe Biden baited Russia with an impending mass slaughter of Russians in Ukraine.
Putin's brutal war is DC funding a money laundering machine of Kiev which 
has sent 1 million Ukrainian Christians to their deaths, with the demand that 
Russia end as a nation)

The Heritage Foundation and these two bit trolls of the nation rapist cartels
do not speak for Americans.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Most of you probably have never heard of Project 2025 or Agenda 47 which Donald the deserter Trump took to social media to avow and disavow. I bothered to look it up and read it. I also was Inspired in the page search engine to locate one word. Now this is the American Heritage Foundation, and one would think that this agenda would be for America. Yet this document which is supposed to restore America has a focus on empowering one nation and it's financial money laundering centers as UAE, and focuses on the competitors of this money laundering fraternity.

Not it is not England, although this money sucking state which is behind the war to steal Russian resources and has Russia named as an "enemy". Yes worthless England without any production or resources is to be enriced by the United States, but the nation which is singled out to be favored as the head of America is the state of Tel Aviv.

This Agenda 2025 is designed to enrich London and Tel Aviv, as Americans are promised if they submit to this agenda they will get their country back. This promise is from the same people who are raping Americans financially in supporting mass murder in Ukraine and Gaza, for these promisers to steal the oil of Gaza and Russia.

I'm telling you to not fall for this agenda as it sound good, but just realize like in all things, the only reason this group will ever "give" you money or freedom is to make you work for it so they can confiscate it or set you up on social media so you get hunted down on January 6th.

This document unleashes the name Ronald Reagan 71 times, so the ignorant will trust it, but just remember that Ronald Reagan set up Republics in South America as free trading partners, and in a few short years, the Bush fam in this same Goddamn banking Shylock scheme, loaned cheap money to these nations, crashed their economies and installed Marxists to loot those nations for these queer hedgefunders.

This is not a document for Americans. This is a scam to align the United States to be plundered more by the Bank of London and the State of Tel Aviv. This is more Ziongelical bullshit. Donald Trump has proved more than willing to enrich and protect this group of criminals.

*President Trump’s Abraham Accords signaled the end of the centrality of the Arab–Israeli conflict, which paralyzed U.S. approaches to the region, and focused instead on Iran as the principal threat to America from this region. During the Trump Administration, USAID’s allocations reflected the new opportunities created by the Accords and sought to strengthen regional alliances against Iran through expanded regional trade and investment and to promote genuine political stability tethered to strong American leadership. USAID formally partnered with the United Arab Emirates, Israel, Morocco, Qatar, and Kuwait to catalyze regional partnerships in Africa. Under the Biden Administration, however, USAID has returned to a model that deepens the region’s dependence on aid.

*Foreign aid must advance the Abraham Accords. Increased trade and investment between Israel and its Arab neighbors represent the most effective path toward reducing poverty, fostering the emergence of a middle class, and solidifying peace. USAID should therefore focus its development assistance on countries such as Morocco and Sudan through joint investment collaboration with the more economically advanced economies such as the UAE and Israel.

*Sustain support for Israel even as America empowers Gulf partners to take responsibility for their own coastal, air, and missile defenses both individually and working collectively

*Struck bilateral development relationships with Japan, Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Taiwan to support projects in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

*First, the U.S. must prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear technology and delivery capabilities and more broadly block Iranian ambitions. This means, inter alia, reinstituting and expanding Trump Administration sanctions; providing security assistance for regional partners; supporting, through public diplomacy and otherwise, freedom-seeking Iranian people in their revolt against the mullahs; and ensuring Israel has both the military means and the political support and flexibility to take what it deems to be appropriate measures to defend itself against the Iranian regime and its regional proxies Hamas, Hezbollah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad

*Dustin J. Carmack is Research Fellow for Cybersecurity, Intelligence, and Emerging Technologies in the Border Security and Immigration Center at The Heritage Foundation. Previously, he served in the Intelligence Community as Chief of Staff to the Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe. In Congress, he served as Chief of Staff to Congressman John Ratcliffe (TX-04) and Congressman Ron DeSantis (FL-06). Mr. Carmack studied at Truman State University in Missouri and Tel Aviv University in Israel.

This blog has been posting thee above photo from the Trump archives for a reason. Perhaps now you will comprehend Donald Trump, standing with Ashkenaz Mosaad, London finance and John Tower Ziongelicalism.

Two of those  people were assassinated for colouring out of the lines.

This 2025 is why the DIA Don is being brought back. His VP is going to be stooge who runs this John the hero McCain agenda's implementation. They created Qanon and now they have brought the punchline.

Nuff Said
