Friday, July 5, 2024

History on the Other Side

11Women have been raped in Zion,

virgins in the cities of Judah.

12Princes have been hung up by their hands;

elders receive no respect.

13Young men toil at millstones;

boys stagger under loads of wood.

14The elders have left the city gate;

the young men have stopped their music.

15Joy has left our hearts;

our dancing has turned to mourning.

16The crown has fallen from our head.

Woe to us, for we have sinned!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What is has been taking place in the name of America and of God has not gone unnoticed by God in Heaven and by the peoples on the other side of this anti Norman axis. As John Adams warned, "What can be done to others, can be done to you". That is why you do not allow Kiev to genocide Christians Slavs no more than remain silent in the genocide of Philistines with your bombs.

Jesus was murdered by the leaders of Jerusalem in 33 AD in the year of our Lord. In 70 AD in the year of our Lord, Rome and Edom, destroyed Jerusalem and the savior Turks who were let in mass raped the remnant of Jews.

In the above, this is Jeremiah's lament, the history of what happened when Babylon, the Southern Italians now laid waste to Jerusalem for open rebellion against Empire. Babylon was actually more human in they only gouged out the eyes of the leaders after slaying their children before them. Assyrian Germans who vanquished Americans in the Samarian Kingdom, slaughtered 90% of the population, skinned our people alive, crucified them, led them away with hooks in their noses, mass raped the women and cut pregnant women open  and beat the children to death with the arms of their mothers.

That is reality, not Jewskin lamps or other nonsense of modern propaganda. This will come again on the West for throwing God out of political rule by these woke heathens.

Jeremiah prayed though for restoration. It never happened in his day. He ended up in Ireland with the Danites, establishing the Davidic line there for the British later. It would not be until after the War of 1812  AD in the year of our Lord, that Americans would benefit from the Prophet's prayer below. So be warned, once this deliberate destruction of America is complete, it will never be the same again for 1000 years.

And understand, the cartel behind this, knew they could never destroy the Christian West. They had to move the people to be apostates, so that they would alienate the God of their protection, and in that Judgment, they would be destroyed. This evil all had a designed purpose and it has come to fruition, and what you think is bad, is only the beginning of the worst of it in the Deception and Tribulation.

Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremiah
Chapter 3

1Remember, O LORD, what has happened to us.

Look and see our disgrace!

2Our inheritance has been turned over to strangers,

our houses to foreigners.

3We have become fatherless orphans;

our mothers are widows.

4We must buy the water we drink;

our wood comes at a price.

5We are closely pursued;

we are weary and find no rest.

We are in the curse of those nations who abandon the Law of God. It will be cleansed to 66% percent of the population. It is an End Times Prophecy. The prayer is to be delivered through this, not from it, so Christ returns to establish Justice and save us. Not wanting bad things to happen is not going to stop them. Wanting for Christ's return is the only Way out of this.

We can find favour in the hands of our enemies. We may be an area that is not destroyed or attacked. We certainly are not going to be any worse than the cartel's bio weapons, being hunted by the FBI, being robbed and shorted, and preyed upon by raping murderous foreigners as HAARP rains death on us in these horrific proponents of this world genocide.

It gets better on the other side. It may be without a structure designed to destroy us, we will have a reprieve and we just need a few years in being hidden to come out on the other side with Christ.

Nuff Said
