Monday, July 8, 2024

How can Russia save itself from American Invasion.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the reality of the coming world war and how NATO for the cartel is moving to topple Russia with an invasion of 300,000 Americans sometime in late September, the Lame Cherry ponders the Bavarian Seers in what they saw in the future, which looks a great deal like what we are looking at.

\This Inspired popular girl genius, made poor orphan by non donors (Annie says I need to include genius), analyzes all of this, for the best outcome for my children and the brats as they will in terror one day, repent and donate like it was them they were spending money on, and the issue is, "How can Russia save itself from an  American invasion?

I desire to first make the point, that I believe, there is a hand which rocks the cradle in all of this, whom I term the Meisterkrieg, who have all these self important delusionals thinking they are running things, but in reality it is the Meisterkrieg, who managed all of these things in the past and made them winners by making it easy for these slow primates whom they installed into  power.

One examines realities with reality with a little Bavarian Seer insight to guide the storyline.

Russia stands a bad chance of losing in Ukraine with this 300,000 American invasion in a surprise Kiev F 16 blitz, backed by Tel Aviv sending Patriot batteries. The question in this is then, does Russia play the odds in waiting to lose or does Russia move to a point of attack where it can stop thee American invasion.

Vladimir Putin has shown an understanding of the entire global theater. He began years ago securing Syria in the midst of the Bush Obama blowing the Mideast to hell. To save time and space for internet trees,  let us examine this from the evidence as Russia is in Libya, Egypt and Syria.

What is coming up in the series of Tel Aviv holocausts beginning with Gaza, is the one in Lebanon in Hezbollah, then Iran, and then Russia. So Russia can either wait in line for death or strike while the opportunity presents itself.

America has 3 battle groups. Europe, Centcom and Pacific. The weak spot is Centcom in the Mideast. Europe  is currently pinned and depleted in the Ukraine war. Pacific is too far for Russia to project to even with allies.

As Tel Aviv is moving to hit Lebanon with Centcom, it would behoove Russia to be involved in this  theater, in divide and conquer. If Russia could neutralize Centcom as this blog has stated, European command is depleted, and Pacific is too far, that would cripple the projected power of the District of Crooks.

The Hezbollah order of battle is one which Americans have been arming terrorists in Lebanon to fight against Hezbollah. This is the 5th column. Tel Aviv must have air cover for their operations, which involve an airborne drop and drones in the Hezbollah tunnels.

Russia in Syria has S 300 and S 400 missiles which could stop the Tel Aviv F 16 and F 35's. Take that cover away and Hezbollah will grind up the Jews on the ground.

Hezbollah has thousands of missiles. If they can strategically hit the Tel Aviv electric lines, water pipelines, ports, bases and population centers, they could indeed shut down this holocaust.

If this can then be expanded for Iran to provide finishing touches, to draw Americans in, this would bring the Russians in, which when all was said and done, the British, Jewish and American bases from Cyprus to Kuwait would be obliterated with enough American aircraft carriers to humiliate and drive America from the region That is what the Bavarian Seers were stating.

Now here is the point, the Meisterkrieg, would obtain what they have planned for. Their return to power in Europe, the rolling back of the United States, the elimination of the Ashkenaz Tel Aviv cabal and what the Bible states will be a false peace.

That looks a great deal like the events which will transpire if Russia with her allies obliterates the DC, London, Tel Aviv axis. Winning the war there, changes thee entire paradigm and there will not be an American invasion of Russia come September.  I'm not stating that all this world war disappears, but in this scenario, the Meisterkrieg gain power, a false peace and the world gets a bit longer to not have a world bathed in a green radioactive glow.

It would seem that by breaking the power matrix of this DC matrix, would restore a bit of people's rights in the states being at the forefront as the federal police state would panic in no longer being above the law.

The Seers also  noted at least one economic type Pearl Harbor in a certain city which disappears to further pull the plug on this projection of illicit power.

In the study of this, it seems obvious what Russia has maneuvered for as they probably have their own Remote Viewers and their own seers to cheat a bit on what the future is. They are in position, and in the reality of history it was the Reich's Admiral  Raeder who advocated a Reich order of battle from the Mediterranean into the Mideast to defeat England and for that part, to defeat the Soviets. General Rommel was on a mission in North Africa to hit the Suez, drive the English into Palestine, defeat them there, strike to Iran and move up to meet the Kliest  Army of the Reich in the Caucasus. The battle plan for Russia now, is to simply reverse as they already have forces in Syria, have allied armies in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and Gaza who are well armed and numerous. Russia can break thee American Imperegal hold by shattering Centcom, with limited contact and expenditure of resources with the proxy fighting by Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and and Iran.

It is a logical conclusion that the hand rocking the cradle is guiding this disaster in coming to fruition for these Imperegals.

Eliminate the strategic center of Centcom, and naval vessels of the Pacific can not fight on land, and the  land forces in Europe can not land to threaten Russia as breaking Centcom, breaks the NATO alliance.

We will see in the months ahead if this is the strategic operation which is being set up.

klotzen, nicht kleckern

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

Nuff Said
