Monday, July 22, 2024

The Dick in the Box

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Rothschild, Blackrock, Vanguard, Meta, George
Bush, And Cheney Family Top Investors In Firm That
Filed 12 Million PUT Options On Trump Stocks
Just Before Assassination Attempt - They Knew

Yes they knew something was being initiated, as the refrain from the above, including Pelosi and Schumer was too much "show Trump the love". They were not shorting stocks though. This was by another faction to point directly at the above cabal in implicating them, just as the Reagan shooter was a Bush fam buddy, just as there were shorts on 9 11 which we never found out who did it, and just as Poppy Bush was outside the Oswald library and had his ass hauled down to Dallas PD in November 1963, to keep this group of twatheads in check.

These boob were sloppy, ridiculous in the contract, Mosaad knew about this hit and was trying to blame Iran, and other shooters were with security let into that venue. One bagged a guy in the bleacher and another shot a derrick, just to leave evidence of more shooter, to blackmail the FBI to make this all Warren Report go away.

Dick Cheney should have made peace with the faction and told his frumper daughter to shut the hell up Mr. Cheney need to come to terms with the powers and the only window dressing which might have value is stating he and his entire family is voting for Trump Vance.

This put option was not a frame. It was a notice to this group that someone does not like them, and is going to retaliate, but desires to have them twist in the wind waiting for it.

That is what the message is in a 12 million share put, and the above are going to be seized in the funds and the rest have absolutely no game or standing anymore a the Meisterkrieg has a bigger order to implement in Europe.

Nuff Said

[VIDEO] Dick in a Box But Better (Music Video)

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