Friday, July 26, 2024

The Non Ringing Endorsement of Image Obama and Big Mike

Why won't people win this for me.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Being out of politics, I still frown at the stereotypical manipulation of the Mockingbird media. We all know that no one supports Kamala Harris, in she only had support because she was a lightweight and expendable. She only had support because people wanted Biden gone. She only had support because this deranged minority hates Donald Trump to the point of cheering when his head is almost blown off.

That is why when I hear this mantra in the CIA media, that "Harris is picking up momentum", I want to puke, as what is taking place is idiots who threw Biden under  the bus now want Harris a the nominee, and those wavering are being threatened to back her to the nomination.

When Dictator Biden in his address of why he left the ticket barely gave Kamala Harris one sentence, it spoke volumes in Biden was told to hold off.

The Obama's were holding off, and then in a WWE behind the scenes soap opera, phoned Harris up, which by magic, Harris had a camera and a Secret Service Agent in  tow, heard a Niggertown put down by Kamala Harris by Big Mike Obama in calling her "my girl".

Do not miss this Secret Service Agent as by Harris putting them into the frame, means there is real trouble brewing around this woman who lost 90% of her staff as they hate her.

I would not call this an endorsement by Obama Inc. You can read it below in the photo post of it,  it comes off as window dressing. Obama Inc does not want this woman leading the ticket as she is a loser, no matter what Gerald Celente is dinosaur predicting without a Black Swan event, that Harris will run on a baby butcher one issue campaign and herd a bunch of fornicators to vote for her as they want to kill babies for fucking people they would never marry but get knocked up.

I disagree on Celente's projection of Harris is as winner, because read the sham Obama endorsement below. They pat the quadroon on the head as the elder Nigs and she is the one who is begging for the Obama's to run for her and get her close enough to steal this election. To the Harris plea, there is SILENCE, a click of the end of the conversation.

No Obama response. What took place is Obama Inc. got prodded along by the Afroid community to not abandon Harris who HAS to with fake polls close this gap by the convention or the DNC will boot her ass out for the preferred candidate. Trump is in the lead by double digits. Harris in this set up sprung on the image and Big Mike to hauling their asses around the country as geezers now to win this for Kamala and the White Priv Jew.

The Obama's do not want to be hauled around America in propping up this quadroon. If they wanted to put in this kind of effort Big Mike would be leading the ticket. I hear nothing but silence in this from the groaning Afroid community.

I doubt like hell that Kamala Harris is the choice of the people in power. I believe as with the Dictator, when her polling bottoms out and it will, that another Butler event will take place against her opponent.

If Trump lets like Mitch McConnell in throwing the midterms to suppress voters and to be defined on aborticide by crazy cat bats, Harris will get close enough to steal, but if Trump's high paid experts define the reality, then Trump gets installed by a landslide.

The Lame Cherry will do the work for the DIA stooges. It is just one phrase.

"America is in trouble because of Kamala Harris and her open borders. You don't abort America because Kamala Harris'makes bad choices. You save America and make her great again.'.

In this twilight's last gleaming, I will not have this sex trash hiding behind aborting children. The fact is if Niggers had worked instead of taking handouts, the Mexicans would not have come here to take those jobs, and if White women had not been sex whores and instead had babies, there would have not been an erasing and replacing the White race.

Silence is what makes these despots of democracy get away with their immoral shit. Take it to them with the reality that everyone knows and they will cower away like they always do when their tantrums of shouting you down fails.

In closing, do you think that maybe Kamala Harris is the black swan event by the powers that be and that is why Obama Inc is so antsy in their legacy is about to burn down in an epic defeat.

Nuff Said.
