Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Russians and the Trump Assassination

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While all of us normal Americans were sickened and horrified by the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, the murder of the Fire Chief, the severe wounding of two other innocent Americans, and the tragedy of the shooter wasting his life, the world was watching.

Foremost for Americans, the Russians were watching. The Russians watched the election theft of 2020 AD in the year of our Lord through mail fraud. They have experienced the District of Crooks murderous attacks upon Russia.

Alexander Dugan, whose daughter was blown up by DC and the Kiev Nazi, wrote an assessment that the world was going to die after the American elections, and the one possible way of stopping this was if Donald Trump were installed again into 1600 Penn, to buy time to have less murderous minds prevail.

Butler Pennsylvania changed all of that for Russia. The Kremlin watched as the US Secret Service, under the direction of Homeland Security, with a chorus of "We love Donald Trump" from the Biden, Pelosi, Schumer plotters who have been trying to destroy him for seven years. Russia is not fooled. Russia knows that DC just allowed the murder of an American who would be president and that the GOP elements conquerred to have this done before the GOP convention in order to install their own troll again.

Russia has examined this and will come to one conclusion.  Donald Trump is not a factor to wait upon any more as those who engaged at Butler, will not be prosecuted and will try again. In short, from this week on the Russian Federation has moved to a war standing against the West, and will wield all of it's abilities to shatter her enemies by all means, to avoid an ICBM war which most of the world will die.

Russia is preparing for a murderous advent without any hope of peace occurring. That is what was intended by the powers which allowed these plotting woke to move ahead in another repeat of Teddy Roosevelt. John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.

Russia with her allies will seek to survive and in that they will recreate Butler in every way and every form to win.

That is the reality of Russia and the Trump Assassination.

Nuff Said

Aria - Made in Russia - Let's Rock this world (Raskachaem etot mir)

Dec 15, 2008 ... Aria - Made in Russia - Let's Rock this world (Raskachaem etot mir) -02. 3.7K views · 15 years ago ...more ...
