Monday, July 1, 2024

Threat Analysis: Shengen


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

One of my purposes in running orders of battle is to provide a course of action for the pawns which all of us are in our attempted survival as your lives are deemed expendable. The recent stories of NATO opening Schengen routes for 300,000 US vaxed troops to be transported to the Russia front brought about a contemplation from the Russian perspective in who do I stop this as Russia will be the entity firing in my direction. How would Russia stop an invasion of 300,000 Americans on their border?

NATO is posting it's threat assessment in using the Schengen in 5 corridor's, beginning with Amsterdam and shifting to Italy and the other ports or Greece, Norway and Turkey.

I reproduce the maps below along with the key to all of this in the German highway and rail system. This system is in horrid condition and is being upgraded in the much for Americans have a ready transport route of quality.

Meet you on the other side below the maps.

If Nato forces entering from the Netherlands are hit by Russian bombardment, or northern European ports destroyed, the alliance is set to shift focus to ports in Italy, Greece and Turkey.

From Italian ports, US troops could be carried via land through Slovenia, Croatia to Hungary, which shares a border with Ukraine.

Similar plans exist to transport forces from Turkish and Greek ports through Bulgaria and Romania to reach the alliance’s eastern flank.

Plans are also being drawn up to transport troops via ports in the Balkans, as well as through Norway, Sweden and Finland.

In studying the maps,  there are choke points on land, Copenhagen, Berlin, Prague and Budapest. The focus point on this is to disrupt the trains and bridges to stop the American invasion. In assessing this, these features will be rebuilt. boats can move troops to the other side of rivers and movement toward Russia begins again, and the same 300,000 force is delayed days, only to become a threat to Russia and their possible end, which of course would bring a launch of their strategic hydrogen bomb arsenal into America and Europe.

As a Tactician, this is unacceptable and the only solution is to end the threat of the 300,000.

This brings into the discussion in how to end this threat. I looked at missiles as that is what General Faggot was focused upon in Russian missiles damaging the ports in the Netherlands and Italy. In checking the data, the Russian hypersonics generate only 3.5 tons of TNT energy. Not something you want to be around, but not something which would obliterate ports.This then returns to the logical solution from the Russian perspecive.

For example, a strike from a 500 kg hypersonic missile at a speed of 8 times the speed of sound is equivalent to a direct, targeted strike of 3.5 tons of TNT 

The only solution in this is what President Vladimir Putin was speaking of in warning Greece that small nations with large populations would be in grave danger for joining in on this supported invasion of Russia.

As super conventional weapons will not end the threat to Russia, the only logical solution is that Russia must use tactical atomic weapons. The analysis projects that to stop the unloading of more Americans and supplies, that a cobalt tidal wave bomb would wipe out the ports and make them radioactive for 5 years.

I believe all of this is known, as you will notice that England is not anywhere near any of these troop disembarkations. The Normans know this is nuclear strike reality for Russia, and let the Norwegians, Danes, Italians, Greeks and Turks die.

So the analysis of what Russia should perform to keep from launching strategic nuclear weapons, would be to perhaps allow a landing for troop concentration. I do not believe it is advisable to allow Americans to reach staging areas and then vaporize them there, as the blitzkrieg of F 16's, HIMARS, Drones, perhaps HAARP weather an a breakout push might paralyze Russian response, and having to deal with being thrown back, with Patriot and Star Wars nullifying missiles, it places Russia in jeopardy and throws the Dead Man Swtich. It is always  the Maxim in if one is going to have to kill an enemy later, one might a well kill them sooner before they become a threat. The same is true in these ports, bases and hubs, it is of strategy to end these points so they are never used against against Russia.

Russia must by radioactive pollution radiate the NATO armour, making it deadly to all humans who come near it and that is only accomplished by nuclear fission.

So the advice that the Russia military must be advocating to President Putin and the leadership is to use nuclear weapons for the quickest cut to end the threat before it has time to assemble.

There are psychologial positives in this, in when the Danes and Italians are struck as much as Berlin, Prague, Copenhagen and Budapest, the Norwegians, Greeks and Turks are going to not be just screaming to get out of this, but will be using their armed forces to turn Americans way at all costs, as they will not desire to pay the nuclear price

Will Russia, and her forces be counterstruck? Most likely she will, but this is nothing she can not deal with as it is not likely this will escalate to a second round and without a war, Russia will rebuild easily.

The Lame Cherry firmly believes in the scenario which is being pushed by NATO, that Russia will strike. In assessment, I believe those 300,000 Americans will be already in Europe and past the ports before a Kiev (NATO fought) F 16, Drone and HIMARS blitz on the Russian lines to weaken them. Russia will in NATO think, respond with conventional forces in more troops, which Americans will then be employed at 300,000 strong, to smash through the Donbass and Crimea lines to humiliate and defeat Russia, for the Joe Biden November victory parade.

NATO then taking up defensive positions will hold the ground and the plotting will be mass assassination of the Russian leadership in a Black  Swan, to overthrown and break up Russia, without a nuclear Dead Man switch thrown.

This is what NATO appears to be deluding itself with. This is what Russia has indicated will be it's order of battle. If Russia waits too long, she stands a 70% chance of being driven from Ukraine by this American force.

I have an alternative Bavarian Seer scenario which Russia may preempt with which will be hopefully examined in another post.

The Lame Cherry does not advocate war or violence. It examines threat assessment so that you will stand a better chance at survival.

Nuff Said

