Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Advantage Iran


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In examining what the Persian order of battle will be, I'm reminded of General MacArthur's maxim of "hit em where they ain't".

This is a matter of logistics, while the Lame Cherry never advocates violence, this is an examination of a published Iranian response to the murder of a Hamas diplomat by a terror attack in Tehran. It was mentioned that Iran may strike soft targets. That would be logical if Iran crippled Mosaad and their agents globally as that is who committed the various assassinations in Iran. This is hitting Tel Aviv where it ain't in soft positions.

The Tel Aviv and DC defense is for missile strikes for 3 days from Hezbollah and Tehran. That is what is expected. With all the munitions Russia has flown in, the logic would be for Tehran  to initiate their own surprise operation and aim it at Qatar at the 

Al Udeid Air Base

This is right on Iran's door step. It is the main CENTCOM base in the Mideast and home to numbers of Iran's enemies. If Iran would fly in expendable pilots son a jihad to take out the command and control, munitions dump and destroy the aircraft, it would send shockwaves through the alliance sitting there.

The Russians have provided advanced radars and missiles to protect Iran. Iran in this strike would then be able to force an expensive strike inside Iran under this protection.

The alternatives then are closing the Strait of Hormuz, nuclear retaliation and the main missile salvos. Iran has already stated it will attack those Muslim nations who fire on their missiles. Qatar is already involved as the command hub for this, so Iran is only attacking a beligerant.

Success is the attack. It will inflame extremists in every regime involved in this to revolution to throw this pro Tel Aviv faction out.

The reasoning behind this, is after DC has allowed this  holocaust to manifest for almost a year, they are like that Nazi in Kiev wanting peace with Russia. When your adversary is preaching de escalation, that is the window to escalate as they are politically and militarily weak.

Sometimes in situations it is worth the salt to mix it up, just to see what the other side would do. Biden has that 180 pound Hindu, Kamala Harris politically holding him back, as this is elections and DC can not be seen blowing up more Muslims nor protecting Jewry.\

This is a most stupid thing for DC to have become involved in, as no matter what DC and Tel Aviv do, Iran holds every trump card, and the big card is driving up oil prices which will collapse Wall Street and that kind of economic doom, does not fit with a public supporting heavy bombers blowing up Muslims for Tel Aviv as they can not afford food and fuel.

The only party that wants this war is Tel Aviv. DC and all the other regimes are running from it. London is already releasing Muslim rioters to imprison rioting Englishmen. England is in civil war and is in no position to respond to a Qatar strike.

If Iran is not bold, it will suffer worse. Iran needs to be bold for Russia, that this war does not go to Kamala Phase 2 in Ukraine to get her installed.

Iran and Russia have the advantage. I would prepare for them engaging in the type of operations to cripple and destroy that which is freely abusing them. DC is afraid of getting into a war it can not win with Russia over this.

Nuff Said
