Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Back to the Walz


I am smiling you stupid people. This is Walz face just like Kamala 
is in black face. I run the Minnesota ghetto.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Readers of this blog will recall that the Lame Cherry has a history of hating Minnesotans. I swear to God that you have never come across a more pretentious and pompous species of primates. It is hard to explain it unless you have ever experienced being around these assholes. I know a great deal of them as I have relatives there and........put it this way as this is Minnesota.

My sister who thinks she is the pope, took up residence in Minnesota, voted for all that Goddamn liberal trash there and spent her time mocking states like North and South Dakota for being such hick states.
When it came time for her to move on, due to husbands medical condition and her children were starting careers, guess where they moved to? Fucking South Dakota!!!!!! Why? Because they could not afford to live in that Goddamn Minnesota shit hole.

Just bear with me on this, as I always pay attention to Minnesotans when I come across them. I was talking to sale rep a year ago and he was from Minnesota I said to him, "How can you stand to live in that Goddamn state????" His reply was telling as he lives in "out state", see you have the Mahetro that is Minnesotan for the word Metro, and you have outstate where the normal people live . He told me, "We just don't pay attention to those stupid people and laws in the Twin Cities".

This is the person that Kamala Harris has chosen in going White, instead of Jew White in Pennsylvania in this putrid Tim Walz. Again, I swear there is nothing more obnoxious on the planet than a Minnesota school teacher.......wow that was my asshole sister, and that is who Tim Walz is. You can't tell these fumduckers a thing. It is like talking to a brain made of stone.

I'm going to tell Americans and they should pay attention to this, because what I'm telling you is the future with Harris Walz as this is what Tim Walz ruled Minnesota with behind this "progressive" bullshit.

Walz went to DC to explain to Biden how he does things. If you read of his actions, HE LOOTED MONEY FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO PAY FOR HIS PROJECTS by hiring foreigners. You saw this same thing in Europe during the Cold War. Minnesota can not pay for things, so it steals money from you.

Second part of this is Walz is making Minnesota wind and solar power by 2040. This is all Obama smoke and mirrors and I have told you this. Do you know how Minnesota is going green? It shut down all of it's coal and gas fired plants, but it still has it's lights on. How did it do this miracle? Why there is a major electric company in Minnesota called Ottertail. They have coal fired plants up the ass. But how can that be? It can be, because they built all their plants in North and South Dakota. Minnesota gets it's  power from coal and uses long transmission lines out of the Dakotas in pure inefficiency. From what I have noted, there are massive new lines going in to carry that electric to the Twin Cities. I know of one super substation that would make the things Hitler put into Germany look like tinker toys.

So this is Tim Walz, the baby butcher, foreign invader importer, the White Eraser removing outstate Christian Minnesotans and doing it all by looting the Federal Government of your money and making Reagan State people burn coal to light up Walz's houses.

You got something else in this too. Minnesota is the foundation of the cereal industry. I have told you that Mexicans and Muslims DO NOT EAT MALT O MEAL and they do not drink American beer. These massive billion dollar conglomerate are going broke, because the Americans are dying out and these foreigners eat pepper and goats. Walz is overseeing the entire eradication of American industry and this is who Kamala Harris chose.

Do you know what you get if you pull the plug on Walz policies? A Minnesota without electrical power and a Minnesota bankrupt without federal subsidies, flooded with these Goddamn vermin foreigners.

I honestly thought with the Trump assassination cover up, that Hindu Kamala was going to pick Shapiro in PA as the smart choice. Walz is just an old white geezer like that Ed Schultz and his big mouth who tongue bullied people to wince and move away.

Even propped up in Karl Rove "momentum" bullshit for Big Mammy Harris, you are going to experience how offputting Walz is. Harris put a coup on geezer Biden and went hard White again for another geezer who is Uncle Tim, Uncle Joe's obnoxious stupid brother driving the nice car to family gatherings, but you never know where he got the money from.

This is the Hillbilly Nazi on Animal Farm, looking at the crooked pigs in the house and the pig in the suit screwing everyone over is Tim Walz.

Bidenomics meets the Harris Depression in the American destroying policies of Tim Walz.

The Minnesota Police State.

Walz's use of emergency powers during the pandemic — including the institution of a mask mandate, business shutdowns and a hotline number established to report people violating social distancing guidelines 

Nuff  Said
