Sunday, August 4, 2024

How Kamala Harris Succeeded In Ousting Joe Biden After Trump Assassination

The Peking Girls do protect their investments in Bidencon

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After the Chinese involvement in the assassination attempt upon former President Donald  Trump in Pennsylvania, a strange set of events unfolded in this intrigue which is now only being pieced together. After the attempt, Dictator Biden flew to Las Vegas where an interesting series of police reports emerged without explanation.

Biden was at a Latinoid restaurant with two Secret Service Agents looking to fend off female attacker, with Biden bracing himself against tables. Sometime after this Secret Service alerted Las Vegas Police to clear a route to University Medical as there was a medical emergency concerning Joe Biden.

This all now gives some insight into a huge bruise which the Dictator had on Wednesday when he made his "Stepping Down" announcement after an auto signature pen signed the original document on non official stationary. 

I will get into this more on the other side,  because Las Vegas police thought Joe Biden was dead. In the readying of thee emergency route, another countermand order was issued that Joe Biden was going to board Air Force One and be flown back to John's Hopkins.

Remmeber the odd statement of Biden's brother after all of this that they would enjoy their time with Biden which they had left, and that Joe Biden disappeared for days after the Trump assassination attempt and this Las Vegas incident.

The condition Biden is rumored to have suffered was a loss of blood supply to the brain. I have another suggestion.

transient ischaemic attack

Another reporter, Jordan Schachtel of The Dossier investigated and says he has obtained accounts from over half a dozen law enforcement officers confirming that there was a medical incident.

“US Secret Service informed LV Metro that there was an emergency situation involving Joe Biden and to close necessary streets so that POTUS could be transported immediately to University Medical, which they began to do in earnest,” he wrote.

Kirk added, “Then, mysteriously, there was a stand down order and the USSS informed local Vegas PD that they were going to “medivac” POTUS to Johns Hopkins, which they presumed meant fly him back east ASAP. Apparently the rumor mill in the police department was that Joe Biden was dying or possibly already dead.”

Kirk then posted that he received corroborating reports that “a call went out to block streets to get Biden to University Medical trauma center ASAP, and then the plan abruptly changed and they got him out on AF1 very quickly.”

My mother was from a family of people with weak hearts when they reached past 70 years of age. She might get up too fast and she would pass out. I caught her one time in an episode like this. On another occasion I found her sitting in the grass in the morning where she looked stunned. Another event took place which she was quite pleased in she passed out, and could hear birds signing, it was beautiful she said. Yeah she had died. The last time it happened is recorded here in we were at the mailbox, she said she was going to faint, I told her to breathe through it, and she collapsed in my arms dead. That time her heart never started again.

I state this as Vanity Fair reported that Joe Biden was cool to the touch and not in his right mind at a reception. Cool means lack of blood flow and that means a worn out heart. What I believe happened in Las Vegas to Joe Biden is he lost blood pressure, lost consciousness, and he walloped his jaw on something very solid and hit the floor literally dead, but the jolt of hitting the floor probably got his heart beating again along with all the uppers he takes for Parkinsons.

Secret Service checked vitals, saw pupil dilation, perhaps could not find a pulse and went into action to clear a path to University Medical, at which time Biden began to recover, where the White House physicians and handlers moved to cover this up, as it had taken place before, and were moving him to John's Hopkins where they could control the medical response which would have leaked in Las Vegas.

Air Force One almost shoo apart on the trip. Biden's leaving the plane was typical as he had about recovered, but the damning video is of Biden getting in the the security SUV, in he can not get inside and Secret Service has to lift his feet in.
The Agent out front can be see to be antsy in he knows this is an emergency and it is taking Biden and the other Agents forever to get him loaded.

Conspiracy theory would have some Trump Latino attacking Biden in socking him in the jaw and he went down. The short route is that Biden lost blood pressure, took a jolt to  the skull and was unresponsive in authorities thought he was dead.

We know what took place in this, in Obama Inc. threatened to leak this story of Biden's demise to the press to finish the Pelosi coup off. Kamala Harris was more than ready to step in and we now know Dictator Biden threw his luke warm support behind Harris, because Obama Inc was pushing that Moon Boy from Arizona to be the DNC candidate.

I still would not be crowning Big Mammy Kamala yet as the choice as her polling is bad and even with propaganda has gone flat line. Watch for if Harris is denied a first round win, and the talk moves to democracy and this Mark Moon Boy Kelly. Frankly Hillary Clinton is twice the candidate Kelly is as he is just odd. There is the huge problem of White Priv in throwing the quadroon Kamala to the wood pile for a White.

The problem in this Harris coup and Obama coup is that Joe Biden is still there, and his heart may stop in the very next episode, and it could come before the convention.

Then there is the problem of if Biden goes down after the convention and Kamala Harris is President, and she picks a Vice President. Is she going to pick who Obama says if Moon Beam is chosen at the DNC or is she going to pick Eric Holer's White Priv candidate, prove spoiler and move onto 2028 AD in the year of our Lord against President JD Vance?

It was far too convenient in Donald  Trump gets shot by an inside job and days later that the guy the Obamacrats want out of the race ends up with a big bruise on his face and with that immediately capitulates.

I believe Joe Biden came as close to shaking hands with the grim reaper in Las Vegas as Donald Trump did in Butler. Biden got the message and got out. That indicates there was more to that medical emergency than just his weak heart.

We are now in the spin of this. Kamala Harris can not legitimately steal this election as she does not have any support. 68 people at a gathering is not political support.

I do not believe we are done in either party with this shuffling of candidates.

Nuff  Said
