Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Kamala Malaise not Momentum

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry would like to point out to Hollywood rich in this Kamala Harris thing, something I recently read in an obituary where an old woman had told a teenage girl, "You are an ok kid, but you got to choose better friends".

I do not think the Caucasoids for Kamala looked in the mirror for a few years or have been outside, as they all looked sickly pale and suffering from water retention. Honestly there is something to be said for putting on a suit and tie and having some better lighting, than looking like you just took a shit in the morning an are still gassed up by a breakfast burrito. 

The event follows this week’s “White Dudes for Harris” that raised more than $4 million, and featured numerous celebrities including Jeff Bridges, Mark Hamill, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Hollywood has slipped as Jewish Tom Arnold is touting big names are signing up for Cackling with Kamala. Tom Arnold is another old fat White Priv guy made by a woman in Roseanne. I do not recognize most of these comedians, except Jason Bateman who owes his career to being a liberal hired by Opie Howard on Arrested Development. He is one of them who needs to choose better friends as I never did get hanging around with Ben Stiller who had zero talent or appeal compared to his talented parents.

Jeff Bridges and others now lying that it was an Obama coup in geezer abuse of Joe Biden who drove him from the race for Big Mammy Kamala is a psychosis in the left. Saying you beat up Grandma to get her credit card as she wanted to buy you a new cell phone just does not change the truth.

Let us face facts. Hollywood power hated Donald Trump in racism and whatever. They knew Joe Biden was sick in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, but as long as Biden could steal an election and the FBI could hunt down Republicans to keep power, that was kosher with them. It was just as kosher when Biden was going to lose, for them to euthanize his campaign and this will kill Joe Biden off sooner than he would have died naturally. Now they have another loser, not elected by one vote to be their party leader. The delegate are being pressured. In desperation money is being dumped into Kamala Harris' campaign to make up for no one wanting her. Now what looks like mostly fat disgusting White Priv is trying to put a face on this of mass appeal, like these movies and television shows no one wants to watch. Saying Big Mike Obama was attractive did not make that guy pretty. Pretending that everyone is going to vote for Kamala Harris is not going to win an election even with fraud voting again.

Let us face the facts in this. These people do not support Kamala Harris. They hate Donald Trump. They are not going to sink money of any large amount into loser Kamala. This is all for show in this Letterman cocktail crowd, so you are in that crowd that locks the door to other people and you get the casting call in return or the children to sniff like Biden.

I do not write what is obvious in the fact is the people who know elections, know Harris' polling is tanking. That will leave the people who do Butler things to either produce another theater in firing one actor or the other.

There is malaise in the democratic party and it will continue to grow and these rich people are going to run out of cash as they are spending a fortune now and the down tickets will suffer as Kamala Harris is real drag on those races.

David Axelrod:

Look, I mean, there’s a lot of irrational exuberance on the side of on the Democratic side of the aisle right now, because there was despair for some period of time about what the November was gonna look like. Now people feel like there’s a chance. But it’s absolutely Trump’s race to lose right now. He is ahead. and he is ahead in most of the battleground states. They’re close, they can be won by either candidate.

Axelrod concluded, “I think it’s a wide-open race but Trump has the advantage right now and everybody should be sober about that on the Democratic side.”

You don't steal elections by hanging around with Hollywood bad friends when you should have made better choices.

Nuff Said
