Monday, August 26, 2024

Loiter Zone


The R-33 long-range air-to-air missile, a relic from the Cold War, was designed to take down big strategic bombers and fast targets like the B-52 Stratofortress, the SR-71 Blackbird, and the XB-70 Valkyrie. 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When the Lame Cherry published the White Paper earlier this year concerning the Russian Republic's nuclear defense strategy to use nuclear weapons in  American staging areas of long range bombers, it was another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. As one can read in the above quote, the Federation has begun practicing such orders of battle based upon their long range interceptor, the MIG 31 carrying 4 R 33 or Foxhound Missiles. The 31 is code named Firefox made infamous by a Clint Eastwood movie.

What the Federation is deployed for is not just a single phase. Russia and her allies will use a multi faceted defense, which will begin with the elimination of strategic F 35 bases in Europe with the same vicinity nuclear mines aimed at American and fellow traveler nuclear submarines.
This will not be a "we will do one thing and then move on". This will be coordinated with knocking out Star Wars. The two major threats Russia faces is Star Wars energy weapons, the F 35 nuclear suicide bombers  and the nuclear submarines.

This examination though is the loiter areas of the Russian military an their use of nuclear missiles to blanket and obliterate American long range staging areas.
In the illustration below are the red circle range of the MIG 31. The yellow line is the range of the long range Bearcat heavy bomber with hypersonic missiles.  This will not be one salvo and Russia will quit, as there will be layers in this, of a number of EMP bursts and literal hydrogen bomb bursts to knock out the around 60 American long range bombers.
The Lame Cherry will mention this again, the place to deal with long range and F 35 bombers with nuclear weapons is at the air base. Russia will preposition nuclear weapons near to these sites to deal with this threat. With hydrogen bombs  in the megaton class, it is not like the bomb has to be in the hanger. There is an immense blast, heat and wind force zone. 10 miles out and aircraft would be damaged from land shrapnel.

Russia will opt for a multi level attack with repeated attacks. This nuclear shield zone is the last response before the Federation launches the Sarmat final solution. This is the basic defender zone, and is separate from the attack formations where the various platforms will be engaged in neutralizing NATO and American threat platforms.

The Lame Cherry has written extensively that Russia has not a great deal to fear in the American land based missiles, where mid range in Germany or long range in the ballistic missiles. Russia has the S 500 system which would neutralize the ballistic missiles in the ones which actually could get off the ground. Russia will not waste 450 missiles on 450 empty American missile silos. Where this will be checked is in knocking out the space platforms and those F 35 bases. The submarine are bit longer window to launch as they are every nation's fail safe, and the long range bombers are almost a half day away from target and the ICBM's are something Russia can play the odds and remedy.

The logic from Moscow would be, pull the fangs of Star Wars, clip the wings of the F 35's, remove the fail safe of the submarines, cover the long range bombers, and then blackmail the Pentagon to come to terms as their ICBM's will afford Russia the victory as their Sarmat's will obliterate Coastal America.

The more that I run these scenarios, the more I conclude that this is not insurmountable. Add what the cartel and China are engaged in with Islam in melting down England, and the success of the above goes up 5000%. You can not fight a nuclear war if Biden Obama Harris' fifth column of Chinese, Latins and Muslims are rampaging all through NATO. What no one has stated is the nuclear triad is not ICMB's, bombers and submarines. The triad is Star Wars, F 35's and Submarines. Star War is negated by high altitude space missiles. F 35's by rampaging Muslims and Chinese on foot. Submarines stand a percentage of not fulfilling mission in mutiny as adding more radiation to a world already with radiation is the place they will have to eventually surface and try not to be shitting blood.

Woke sailors are not John Wayne anymore on the Sands of Iwo Jima.

The Lame Cherry makes these points and remakes them to explain that I was first and then you see the Federation practicing what you were told was part of an operational strategy. I do this to attmept to save lives in what is coming.

I would rather God was cropping billions with Wormwood than with the effects of a nuclear war in the last days.

Nuff Said
