Wednesday, August 14, 2024

No Blood


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Fox News has released  bodycam footage of the Officer in the Crooks position who is the one who fell off the roof after Crooks pointed a gun at him. Honestly I can not see anything of anyone pointing a gun at anyone and it is a fraction of an instant.

Fox has their video so engulfed in ads that you can't get it to stop. NY Post is better and this is where this grab comes from.

What is puzzling in more of the puzzle is the cop then runs away, runs out onto the green grass between Trump and Crooks, is not armed, and I see none of the people, including the Stewart guy filming or police milling around. In fact Stewart has his camera on this location and the person there is a PA Highway Patrol who has his gun out.

What follows then is this cop not being able to get into his vehicle and finally getting some M 16 or something out and fumbling around with that.

As he was fumbling, I was confused as this is the officer who was reported to be bleeding so deeply that he had to have stitches. THERE IS NO CUT ON HIS HANDS OR BLOOD.

This looks like some stage reenactment. It is just odd.

Remembet the exclusive of this Lame Cherry in Crooks was seen 20 ridges in where his body was located. People on the other side were watching him crawl up, and this officer was nowhere to be seen in bothering Crooks. It does not even look like Crooks could see this officer as he was so low and Crooks was so far away, FACING WEST and not behind him where this officer is in the northeast.

John Cullen pegged this guy as the cut guy shooting from the window. Well he is not cut, and he is not at the window, so that theory is out, unless this odd footage can be explained as the Lame Cherry finishes this with, WHERE IS THE WOMAN ON THE HORSE, as she is where this group of people are, rides across in front of Stewart and then dismounts and is seen on the right.

Where is the horse. I do not have allot of bandwidth to study and waste. This all just looks like an artist's conception.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said
