Thursday, August 8, 2024

Please Support Big Mammy Kamala and Tampon Tim until AFTER the Nomination.


My penis bled all the time as a teenager. The doctor called it a bloody discharge
from VD sheep sex in Nebraska, now I know I was having my period every day
until the Minnesota National Guard cured it with antibiotics.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry asks all of you to please refrain from expressing discontent over Kamala Harris and her even more radical vice presidential candidate Comrade Walz.

The last thing we want, as CNN is going ape shit over attacking Walz on his being a military coward, is this pick by Obama Inc, which appears to have been picked to sink Big Mammy at the convention is to succeed. The last thing you want is Big Mike Obama to step in with Josh Shapiro as he is in the news being wronged by Harris too.

Do not alarm the democrats as Van Jones said immediately, "This is not good in Walz pick as the Republicans are happy". Let  the delegates hand Big Mammy and Tampon Tim the nomination and then let the revelations come pouring out. Trumpland is keeping pretty quiet as they do not want to upset this as the groundwork is being laid.

Harris has zero intelligence, and zero speaking ability. Walz is an old pale white bully who is so radical that there is nothing beyond him in the radical nuttery.

So wait for the DNC to sink themselves and then enjoy the reality of Jimmy Carter when liberals threw him to the curb, because Big Mike is not going to let Kamala be the first black shemale president. All these other democrats are not going to wait until 2032 AD in the year of our Lord to run for president with geezer walls in the way.

Let the liberals defeat themselves as this would be enjoyable to watch in WWE.

Nuff Said

