Friday, August 23, 2024

Sold the Soul

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I really do not like the smarmy in this world who are always in our faces, and Jimmy Kimmel is the current sold his soul who spews hate for his vaxed audiences, so when his stories come up, and he says he is contemplating retirement in two years, I can only think good riddance, but the world will probably be so shut down by then, that no one will be aware to enjoy being rid of this horrid person.

Kimmel gave a list of things he wants to do in retirement.

They include cooking, drawing, sculpting, playing harmonica, fly-fishing and learning Italian.

I decided to do some photoshop so we all could enjoy not having Kimmel around, so we could see how utterly stupid his tastes are in which he will waste the rest of his life he had wasted.

This is Gourmet Jimmy.

Here we have Drawing Jimmy.

Sculpting Jimmy.

Harmonica Jimmy.

Fishy Jimmy

and yes, learning Italian Jimmy.

Here is the Lame Cherry judgement. 

Jimmy Kimmel needs to grow up to James Kimmel, he is not a 5 year old brat even though he carries on like one yet.

No one wants Kimmel around, so he should seek out other losers no one wants to know are around like David Letterman, Jim Carey, Al Roker, Barack Obama's look alike, Hunter Biden and go to harmonica things with them.

I'm wondering what this loser is doing now, as I do some of this stuff that he dreams of doing, because all he said he does is read scripts, revises them and he gets so tired. He should manage a blog like the Lame Cherry and then he would find out what sorting through material is, and then have to manage the things here in the Brier, putting God first in hours of prayer and listening every day, and then fixing things that need doing in surpises and doing good thing for other people, and then he might collapse into a real tired. But that is Kimmel, a lightweight who sold his soul and once he flees those he sold it to, he wants to waste the rest of this life on shit.

God did not put people here to be selfish and wasting time. God put people here to grow in His Spirit. That boat has left Kimmel though as he has his reward now..........and he is really looking forward to playing his harmonica.

Nuff Said
