Friday, August 16, 2024

Sucking on the Silver Spoon

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Dinosaurs like Paul Craig Roberts list their 10 books translated into languages and list their idea comrades who are now subject to the police state being cracked down upon, but this echo chamber is just that in none of them in all of their paid propaganda, as someone sure as hell opened the doors for them as no one ever opened doors for me, but instead slammed them shut on me with harsh rebukes, just as they did on thousands of others who were not part of this accepted vocal set.

There is one question in this, in examining the dinosaur Paul Craig, in all his ideas..........if  his ideas were so Goddamn great, then why in hell are we all in this shit hole now, after all the Rush Limbaugh, Sean Homo Hannity and Mark Tel Aviv Levin directions, telling us we were on the way to the promised land.

One would think that a book in 10 languages telling of the dinosaur ideas that 9 more of them surely would have saved us all.Yet here we are.

I can tell you what the problem is in breaking this down, and that is ........let me see the list, Scott Ritter, John Mearsheimer, Tulsi Gabard and Paul Craig Roberts are all talk.

I remember James Webb, the noted Democrat, Secretary of the Navy, used to with his college friends, go out and do Nigger Knocking. Webb said they would cruise in their pre California mandated emission cars, the streets of college town, find a Nigger or two, jump out and beat them up. Did an amazing thing for not having Niggers in the neighborhoods selling dope or fucking White vaginas.

My brother who was from another era, as I was a late hatch, used to talk about the older teenagers who would come to school on Monday, beat to hell, cut, bruised, just beat to hell. That is what men used to do, beat the hell out of each other, and those were the fists who got the girls, got the jobs, and got the places on the football team.

I wonder how many asses Paul Craig Roberts  has kicked recently? I wonder how many women Tulsi Gabbard has made in pulling out hair in cat fights. How many people has Scott Rittter beat up in Russia and the United States.

Donald Trump just got shot, saved a bunch of scared lives at the event by fist pumping, at least he kind of mixed it up, after abandoning his Jan6 followers.

Let us meet on the other side.

There are very few Americans who speak out about the unfolding events. Scott Ritter is one of them. John Mearsheimer is one of them. I am one of them. Instead of the Council on Foreign Relations sponsoring a debate between Ritter and an opponent, the American police state seizes Ritter and removes him from an airliner, confiscates his passport, and sends the FBI to raid his home. If Ritter is so wrong and so dangerous, why not allow a debate to bring that out? Suppression and intimidation are the tools of a police state that knows it is wrong and cannot survive expression of the truth.

 There is no protection against the exercise of raw power against an American citizen. Just ask Donald Trump, Tulsi Gabbard, Scott Ritter and a large number of others.

Samuel Adams.

What we have before us is a bunch of civilized matrons who play by rules when no one else is playing by the rules and everyone is being eaten alive. Paul Craig Roberts is civilized. He is about it all. He is not Samuel Adams chocking rocks off of British heads and screaming at them to shoot. He is above it all.

Richard Nixon.

When was the last time you saw any of these idea people go Richard Nixon in being the dirtiest son of a bitch on the planet to win at all costs? When have you heard any of them praising that kind of winner?

Democrats, George Soros, this entire bunch, lie, cheat, steal, are nation rapists, rape children, rape women, rape men, rape nations, they frame people, destroy people, throw people into prisons, and last news stories I checked, I see children burned up at Waco, mothers shot in the head holding their baby at Ruby Ridge, blowing up nurseries in OKC, shot unarmed Ashli Babbitt in the US Capitol, beat the brains in of Roseanne Boyland outside the Capitol, and then there was that Trump ear thing.

I'm not advocating violence, but General George Washington didn't play fair to win. You remember John Hancock, he was a smuggling cheat. Those Delano's in Frank Roosevelt's middle name were opium smugglers in China.

Donald Trump is kind of the right stuff, but he is still not in the edge that cuts to the quick, his last 8 years proved that.

Until Americans get some dirty sons of bitches to lead or the kind of dirty blood deep as horse's bridles that Jesus will bring to the game to balance the scales on the tools of satan moving to wipe us all out, things are not going to change.

I would project that these talkers are going to talk themselves to death and in time when Americans have nothing left to be taken or lost, then the people who never had the silver spoon feeding them are going to be the ones who recognize the things which would be required to be done.

My future is in Christ, and I'm not going to be a dinosaur as I don't have the green ring around my lips sucking on silver spoons.

Nuff Said
