Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Watch Word: The Flat Lined Flat Backer


I was just prone to a condition called "rounded heals syndrome"

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After a week of fake Kamala Harris polls with Karl Rove using the talking point "momentum", the reality is what this blog has stated, Kamala Harris flatlined a week ago. The machine could not gin up support for Harris. Even more important is Donald Trump's numbers are beginning to move upward.

What you need to watch is what this Lame Cherry said in this pre convention subterfuge is a sown panic to the delegates. Kamala Harris can not win. They just allowed old Joe Biden to be politcally assassinated and they are still losing. The backbiting,  and this is coming from Harris' paid group is trying to pin this on the coup plotters of Pelosi, Obama, Schumer, Clooney and Katzenberg. Democrats like abortion and euthanasia, only when someone else gets the blood on their hands. They are very weak emotionally and have horrid guilt and the shift is now upon them.

Eric Holder engineered for this Obama group the forced choice of Tim Walz on Kamala Harris in order to bring her campaign to this doomed point. I hope that Harris can hold out, but the thing to watch is the Mockingbird saying Harris' numbers are plunging, she can not save the party and it would be best if she stepped aside.

According to Polling Plus, Trump is picking up steam in crucial battleground states. 

In Wisconsin, Trump edges out Harris 49 to 48 percent. 

In Pennsylvania, Trump’s 46 percent triumphs Harris’ 44 percent. 

In Arizona, Trump is leading Harris 48 to 47 percent. 

In Nevada, Trump outperformed Harris by three percentage points (48 to 45 percent), and in North Carolina, the 45th president took the largest lead, with 49 percent of the vote compared to Harris’ 45 percent. 

Michigan is the only battleground state, and the poll found Harris to be doing slightly better (49 to 47 percent).


Biden is apparently senile enough to think he can hold on for a few more weeks to make Big Mammy into a president by resigning or some sort of thing by resigning or co regent power.

Just remember Obama Inc knows what Biden is up to, and using the delegates as cover to anoint Big Mike, and what appears to be another Pelosi machination of cutting Jews out of the ticket (Josh Shapiro) is having her favorite relative posing for presidential photos as California burns down.

Newsom Hires $200,000 A Year Celebrity
Photographer For Glamor Shots

Do not underestimate this bunch. They did in Joe Biden without flinching. They are instigating two wars in Iran and Ukraine to add further mayhem to this election fraud, and they will run this to the end of October in what is appearing as their chosen ticket without Harris & Walz in  Big Mike Obama and Gavin Newsome in an Illinois and California metro dictatorship ticket.

Harris' poll numbers are tanking. She has no appeal to Latins. She is going to have a hard time just using invader votes to make up for the Latin's going to Trump to offset that black hole.

What is taking place now in Democoms is blaming each other, Bidencon trying to install Harris to get Hunter pardoned and throwing the election into turmoil again, and Obama Inc moving to clear out Big Mammy for their ticket, either at the convention or by other means to throw more chaos into this.

Harris can not get enough votes transferred or stolen to gain the White House. She either is appointed for 90 days as she will not be elected. Obama Inc has invested a great deal of subterfuge into this coup against Biden and has three options left, two involve Harris and one involves Donald Trump again.

This week will reveal their decision as the real polls are starting to leak out.

Trumpland hopes she and Waz secure the nomination and are safe to after the elections.

Nuff Said
