Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thee Assassination Syndicate

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is giving the journalist Yiochi Shimatsu full credit as the starting point in this, in his work on the origins of Kamala Harris and the Obama terrorists of BLM and ANTIFA. I'm going to scoop him though on the Tim Walz part as he is assembling his data and insights. What all of this is about though is what he is not going near, and it is an answer to the oddities of what took place in Butler Pennsylvania and Donald Trump with others harmed. The following information will fill in a great portion of the gaps, so that this will make a bit more sense, in what interests were protecting their candidates and interests, in what is an assassination syndicate.


The Kamal Toe


Hideous Ho Harris Wants To Crush Cryptos And Install
A Capital Gains Tax On UNSOLD Properties - Rense Video

The Raging Communist Harris Wants To Impose A
National Wealth Tax…Lenin Would Howl

You must first understand what this blog posted on Kamala Harris in what this non natural born gender is. She was hired by Willie Brown to prosecute poor blacks in San Francisco, so the Mexican cartel laundering money, would link up with the faggot finance, who Jewish real estate would sell them property in San Francisco in a Diane Feinstein operation to get rid of poor Afroids and replace them with White queers in this political movement.

The reason the above matters is she is an Obama girl, in the Obama Clinton hatchet man Eric Holder's sphere in who installed and stole two elections for Obama, in promoting their syndicate criminal interests in Asian Obama.

This links then into the cuddler George W. Bush with Big Mike Obama as the interests melded in the anti Trump group, who with homo Jewish hedgefunds started Russiagate with Paul Singer and Bill Kristol. You have now the short list of working operations who have been criminally engaged using the US police state of CIA, FBI and SS to keep the Trump interests out of 1600 Penn.

What you are going to learn now is the underpinnings of this syndicate and why a Chinese as reported by the New York Post was shot on a roof in Butler PA. Why a cell phone around Tom Crooks, was in DC, around the FBI field office in Chinatown. Why all hell broke loose on my computer when that exclusive was posted here.

We now have to go back a number of decades when George HW Bush as the bagman for the globalists,, opened the door for Jew York finance to dump billions of dollars into communist Chain to take them out of the paddy and put them into the high tech. This is what funded Peking in their miracle.

Barack Obama's favorite stated country was communist China, and when Obama was installed, his group established a new international dope smuggling order which still has Chicago running blood red. All of these factions view America as a cash cow to be robbed. The carbon tax is another looting scheme.
When the faction that stole the election from John McCain at the DIA installed Obama twice, on June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, as this blog has pointed out, was remedied and Joe Biden became acting president in an agreement with Big Mike and Valdasherie Jarret's global socialist order.

Into this would appear the Obama Buffett deal for American railroads with another hedge player in England, Sir Hohn of Jamaica origins but the name is Hahn, in Chinese, who runs the Canadian Pacific railroad.

This all runs with Trudeau's Havana dictatorship in Ottawa.

The CPR is the starting point in this now as Shimatsu states that in the George Floyd era of Donald Trump, that the US Treasury agents began picking up traces of a great deal of counterfeit cash cash in Minnesota. Yes Tim Walz Minnesota who oversaw the burning down of the Golden Mile in Minneapolis for the elite in insurance scams as his wife opened the window to smell the aroma of burning Minnesota to their delight.

3 MN Cops Testify Walz Told Law Enforcement To
Give Up As City Was Burning Down

It was one George Floyd of Houston Texas, who was part of an operation in dealing with the container shipments by the Canadian railroad from MI6 and Queen Elizabeth flowing into America, and whose fingers started pilfering this fake money and spending it in Minneapolis which started sending off the warning bells at Treasury. Floyd was caught red handed and in a bizarre manifestation this bagman became the focal point of the riots to bring down Donald Trump, with the money fronted by Soros and Buffett.

What Shimatsu relates is those cash trains ended up in Kansas City, their cargo containers were offloaded there to truck and the money was delivered to Houston Texas.

For a little background, Tim Walz, loves communist China. He visited there to his delight and married his wife in the blood bath zone of  Tianamen Square. He is Gavin Newsome in the same Nancy Pelosi shill for Peking money operations and smuggling flowing in and out of America.

It might make a bit more sense to you now why two incompetent radicals were put into place by Obama Inc. and Eric Holder's machinations. They are the front men for this huge Peking operation flowing into the United States with Tel Aviv, London and DC part of this operational flow.

Now for more of this in how this works in the simple form. When Donald Trump was in the White House, he was informed about this operation and phoned up Xi and asked him what the hell piles of counterfeit currency was doing arriving in Houston Texas? Shortly after this, the Chinese legation in Texas departed back to China and that base was closed.

Not everything, but a great deal of the puzzling things you have been witnessing all connects to this Peking counterfeit money dumps being laundered into America. Why Houston? Houston is the huge Trump oil and gas export point into Europe. You want to launder hundreds of billions of dollars, oil and lng is a great place to hide that money in phantom shipments.

Biden cash cards by the WHO to all these invaders, coming in on flights to Panama, managed by China and these Catholic Jewish Lutheran human traffick rings, has it's funding in this counterfeit currency, with the cover of all the US National Emergency Oil Reserves which Dictator Biden sold to communist China as a bribe.

Fentanyl?  Another laundering scheme as China dumps the dope into Mexico. The money comes in out of Canada, and into Houston Texas, where it is the weak link is that cash does end up in the Mexican mafia hands across the border, where it does not appear back into Texas but into New Mexico and Arizona where Shimatsu lives, and reports the banks there are always confiscating 20's and 50's from Americans who never get reimbursed. It is all part of this laundering of this massive pile of cash to keep China building technology for a war with American warmongering interests (You can find the same cash flow out of Ukraine and the Mideast, in that Jewish Kiev and Tel Aviv syndicate of rapine.)

When Donald Trump appointed JD Vance and his e coin platform and Mr. Trump and Mr. Kennedy both announced e coin to save America, this was a direct challenge to break this syndicate's control which is London finance by Jewry, with Peking shipping and production, which this committee in DC, protected by the know nothing police state, manages this huge operation of nation rape.

OBiden Has Allowed Over 3 MILLION Fighting-Age
Chinese Men Into US - They Are Already Fighting…

To burst your bubble, there is no Texas miracle, no more than a South Dakota miracle, of why California has unlimited funds. This is counterfeit money which is now being backed by brigades of Chinese PLA troops crossing into America to protect their interests and to do it by force. Mike Rounds of South Dakota signed away that state to Peking just like the George W did Texas. South Dakota is to small to launder the kind of money which is flowing so that is a hog killer state. Minnesota Metro has the Muslim influx of African stores and this flows into the Obama hub of Chicago, into the triangle of St. Louis. That fentanyl does not just grow money. It has to be distributed once the Mexicans use fake dollars to sell it on the streets of America where it all goes into these franchises that dump several million dollars on every street corner in America, back into Wall Street.

You are seeing all of these chains closing down.......gee do you think this fake money was piling into their portfolios and the Obama Treasure money production, and now that the real powers in the Meisterkrieg are pulling the plug on America, their fake revenues are no longer coming in, and they have to shut down thousands of money laundering store fronts.

As you will require being told, all of this is not what you are even supposed to be aware of. Shimatsu is quite adept in having been a reporter in some locations so he knew what was taking place. The other fill ins are all public information, if one simply pieces the leviathan together to recognize the monster which is wrapped around everyone in America and Europe.

I would really like you people with money to get off your asses and donate as this kind of stuff is a real danger to report compared to your keyboard commando shit you pretend at.

It should be evident to even non donors how to the edge this is being pushed in taking down the Christian West for the European order  as the front groups who think they are running things have Russian nukes ready for the West so Russia will try to survive and someone just pierced Donald Trump's ear, and you would be stunned by the crackdown and staged violence which would have been unleashed to deal with each of you. This is all very serious and deadly in what this interwoven crooked syndicate is engaged in to cement control.

As this is complicated, do not feel stupid as in this staged political upheaval, (remember David John Oates in reverse speech found it was Charles Schumer (same guy who loved Trump after Butler with Pelosi, Obama and George W. Bush........same syndicate chums) who was Robert Kennedy II handler who talked him into running for President while Bidencon was doing everything to get a nut to shoot him too. The Deuce has wised up and I hope that Donald Trump makes him Attorney General, in he got the hell out of Iowa so he would not have his Butler event and is working hard to defeat this international socialist order which is fronting Harris and Walz.

RFK Jr Says Americans Must Vote AGAINST The
Democrats - The Party Of Censorship And Lawfare

This is the same syndicate who buried Lincoln, Custer, 2 Kennedy's and a little girl in Chappaquiddick,
removed Nixon, shot Reagan and have been running the store front of the web, with your money and criminalizing you.

It all works together in their own franchise for their order and against you.
