Thursday, August 1, 2024

Tracking Kamala's War

Some people have correctly identified me as a quadroon, but my real calling
is to be wardroon in slaughtering piles of Europeans to be installed to 1600 Penn Avenue.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When Serbian President Vučić warned  of war in June in 3 to 4 months, this meant a last September to late October opening of this war. Russian ministry of defense has of the last of July ordered trauma centers under their direction opened across Russia, and this has been supplemented by a Presidential decree for all businesses in Western Russia to have plans submitted as to how they will be moved to the last bolt to the Urals and East Russia, by October 1st.

Russia is expecting a strike on it's forces by October in Ukraine from NATO and is planning for American / NATO strikes into Western Russia for an October Surprise.

In logical projection, the reality is that Russia will in return be obliterating NATO bases in the old Warsaw Pac, and be striking American bases in Italy, Germany and England with retaliatory strikes in the capitals of Warsaw, Berlin, Paris and London. The projection is that Russia will produce a meat grinder of casualties from Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania.

When this escalates this will hit warships and the Baltic, Black and Mediterranean will be sink zones. I would project that all communication cables will be shattered in the waters around Europe.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has ordered a large Deployment of Military Hospitals, Clinics, and Trauma Centers to certain Cities across the Country, including the Capital of Moscow which will operate directly under the Defense Ministry.

On its face, the general public can conclude that Russia must be preparing either a large offensive, which will incur heavy casualties, or they are expecting one against themselves.

This may also be a situation where they may be factoring-in if Trump wins and peace negotiations happen;  they will want to take as much territory as possible prior to those talks....strengthening their hand.  This, however, would NOT call for Trauma Centers "all across the country."  It seems more accurate they are preparing to BE ATTACKED all across their country.

This order to deploy military hospitals comes just days after Russian President Putin ORDERED all state-owned businesses to submit plans to Moscow by October 1 for the RELOCATION of their main business activities to the Urals, Siberia, and Far East regions of Russia (Story HERE).

In this timeline, Russia will be neutralizing the American F 16 and the dispatched American invaders in the lead up to this period.

This will be Kamala Harris' War or whatever the democrats install from the DNC.

Nuff Said

