Thursday, August 15, 2024

Trump Has Earned It


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We have all watched the video of Donald Trump being shot in Pennsylvania. I was watching the video again and in the above photo I screen grabbed the first reaction from Donald Trump, you can see on his face a man who is hurt, who just figured out the country he loved produced a reality where he almost got his head blown off. You can see how hurt Donald Trump is as this is personal for him, as it would be for anyone.

It says allot about Donald Trump knowing everything he stood for was just about defeated and his response was to fight.

There are allot of things which bother me about all of this. The most atrocious was the talking point of Donald Trump was not shot at all and that his wound was only shrapnel.

There is a video out there, where I got this, that expands on the RNC theme closing for vengeance.  If Donald Trump had done in 2016 what he should have, none of this would have happened. What it looks like this country is going to be put through by machinations is Mr. Trump will be sentenced a felon and then democrats will deny his victory over whoever ends up running against him.

This blog never advocates violence, but the look on Donald Trump's face in empathy says he has earned a reckoning on his Cassius plotters.

The Lame Cherry is going to reveal something about the forensic psychology of Donald Trump. No one knows this as I mentioned this years ago in I knew what was the thing that triggered Donald Trump. If you remember I informed you all exclusively when MAGA was dropped by President Trump, that Donald Trump got elected WWE. Now that it is 8 years later, you have heard Rense and all the other tourists proclaiming WWE is what Donald Trump manages as a campaign, and not one word of credit here again.
What I'm going to tell you know about Donald Trump is his secret. You all saw it when that lunatic jumped on stage with a knife long ago and grabbed at Donald Trump and she shrugged the guy off with force. That is the secret, in how you trigger Donald Trump is you invade his personal space. A whole lot of awful people invaded Donald Trump's personal space and did him harm. As you have seen in the RNC he has taken it personally as all would. It is a matter of revenge now all of this. It is odd in you can humiliate Donald Trump, you can trot out whores, you can trot out half wits who say he raped them, you can rake him over the coals on his finances, and he just takes it in stride. This invading his personal space though is different. He told the assassins he was coming for them.

In sympathy on the little hurt boy expression on Donald Trump's face, empathy says he has earned it.

“My motto is: Always get even. When somebody screws you, screw them back in spades.”
