Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Trip The Light Fantastic


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

People have asked why I use Star Trek as a teaching metaphor and  the reason is, it is a simple teaching method which people can understand. In episode 15 of Court Martial, Captain Kirk is being tried for he death of a crewman for jettisoning a pod during a storm. The video records show Kirk panics and makes a mistake. Mr. Spock though does a computer test on the memory bank to see if it was altered. He tests it by chess and discovers that he is winning games which should only be a draw as he programmed the computer.

In the top photo is the Ridge Runner video of a person running along west to east, and John Cullen shows the guys heads gets blown off before Tom Crooks gets his head blown off. The building is correct in the 4 air ducts, but if you look at the background there are two story buildings visible which do not exist.
Crooks runs across the roofs of two buildings to get to his position. There is no way in hell he could have been climbing up two story roofs and as Rep. Eli Crane showed in his own video with another 70 year old Congressman on those roofs, they were flat. These two buildings behind do not exist.

As this blog has exclusively proven on the blood trails do not match. The above photo is proof that an AI has been tampering with video in a moving feed. Someone is faking the video we have seen. The FOX video above is from the man who was critically injured in his cell phone and was not released until his recover and being released by the FBI. Yes this was in FBI custody as have all of this evidence been in FBI custody.

Meet you on the other side.

Briefing room]

COMPUTER: Bishop, half level right.
MCCOY: Well, I had to see it to believe it.
SPOCK: Explain.
MCCOY: They're about to lop off the captain's professional head, and you're sitting here playing chess with the computer.
SPOCK: That is true.
MCCOY: Mister Spock, you're the most cold-blooded man I've ever known.
SPOCK: Why, thank you, Doctor. I've just won my fourth game.
MCCOY: That's impossible.

SPOCK: Observe for yourself. Rook to king's pawn four.
COMPUTER: Bishop, half level right.
SPOCK: Now, this is the computer's move. And now mine. (takes the bishop) Checkmate. Mechanically, the computer's flawless. Therefore, logically, its report of the captain's guilt is infallible. I could not accept that, however.
MCCOY: So you tested the programme bank.
SPOCK: Exactly. I programmed it myself for chess some months ago. The best I should have been able to attain was a draw.
MCCOY: Well, why are you just sitting there?
SPOCK: Transporter room, stand by. We're beaming down.

The Lame Cherry prepared a montage below of video screen grabs and released photos. I have mentioned my noting fixed objects in pictures and video as they do not move. If you would right click and observe the BLUE SECURITY LIGHT, you will note it is moving in camera angle but it is in the extreme in reference to Crooks.

You will notice this magical roof behind at an incline which does not exist. I have the photos from out front of the building, one is a police photo, and there is no roof there, there is no security light there and  there sure as hell are not two story buildings or power lines with transformers there.

The only logical conclusion I can come to is that these videos have been doctored by AI, and it was deliberate. The only problem is the Lame Cherry it seems is the only platform which has been observant enough to ponder how like Obama's mole on his nose or his club hand, appear and disappear in video and photos, like Big Mike Obama's two zip code state sized ass.

This was all in FBI custody and released. As it is evident they were tampered with, this then has the question in how this happened and the FBI did not notice. A great deal of obvious problems have appeared in these videos and pictures and again only the Lame Cherry has noted them. Someone went to a great deal of CIA conspiracy misdirection and none of the anointed always experts have  noted any of this.

If you missed another FOX feature, read the caption in the assassin is termed a VICTIM. The murdered Fire Chief then was murdered by a victim of being murdered by the Secret Service as that is what victims are...........assassins are killed and not victims of being an assassin.

FOX lied in this video release. The skirt who reported this was puzzled in her expression of it did not make sense, but that was FOX implementing doctored videos before the public.

The final assessment on the FOX Ridge Runner video is a bad AI cook job. At this point it is no longer definitive that there were two shooters on the roof who were shot dead as the video showed this. There was the one shooter, with two different blood trails by AI manipulation again and the blood trails are on different parts of the roof. It appears that everything has been tampered with to cover up this assassination, murder and multiple assault.

Who honestly knows if the original CNN feed was not tampered with live as Michelle Obama's big ass videos were. All of the evidence has been confiscated that we know of by the FBI. No wonder that mysterious suit was directing PA police to send photos before the FBI could get them, as in these glaring examples, none of the evidence can be believed.

If Congress had any ability they would find this in house trail as these are computer enhanced and a finite group of contractors and resources who engage in this, inside the security and intelligence groups.

Representatives Eli Crane, Tim Waltz and Clay Higgins have stated or intimated the FBI has been the front in this cover up. They know.

Nuff Said

Greta Van Fleet - Trip the Light Fantastic (Live) - YouTube

Apr 21, 2021 ... New album, "The Battle at Garden's Gate" is available now: ...
