Saturday, November 30, 2024

President Elect Starting and then Going Further

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a lesson which President elect Donald Trump learned in 2016 to 2020 that people who are not loyal to you, have their own agenda.

The President elect, has a list of some go getters, but even in a group of advocates such as this, we have witnessed Supreme Court Justices getting cold feet and joining the cocktail set as much as others in positions who suddenly change once inside the guilded cage.

While the Lame Cherry has yet to publish a white paper on Union General McClellan in his inability to carry out orders, there is below a note from President Lincoln to an Army Officer who opened his mouth to another officer of note, in what was taking place in the US Army in why it was not winning in the east.

In this, the democrats who were embodied by George McClellan and his entourage of command, were engaged in their own ideas. We have seen this in American wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan where victory was not the goal as what have become proxies wars for profit have their own political agenda.

In this note, the officer literally states that the Union Army has no intentions of winning the war. Instead the idea is to have both the Confederate and Union armies degraded, so that a political union where the South keeps slavery and the North gets rid of abolitionists would be the democratic wet dream of cotton profits from Nigger work for the bankers in New York.

I am informed that in answer to the question, "Why was not the rebel army bagged immediately after the battle near Sharpsburg?", propounded to you by Major Levi C. Turner, Judge Advocate, etc.. you answered, "That is not the game. The object is that neither army shall get much advantage of the other, that both shall be kept in the field till they are exhausted, when we will make a compromise, and save slavery". I shall be very happy if you will, within twenty four hours from the receipt of this, prove to me by Major Turner that you did not, either literally or in substance, make the answer stated.

President Abraham Lincoln to Major John Key, brother of a colonel serving on General McClellan's staff.

This explains a great deal in what the mindset was of the McClellan staff in what he gathered around him in Unionist democrats who would throw the war, agree to Southern democrats demands to continue slavery and then they would restore the democratic political monopoly which ruled America.

Besides being treason, besides being against everything the Lincoln administration was engaged in, this was simple flat brain, because even President Jefferson Davis understood the days of slavery were numbered. This is so shortsighted and ludicrous from reality, but it was why millions were being stolen from America for this war effort and why thousands of Americans were dying of the shits or in battles by these officers, as they were trying to whittle the army down to where  a surrender would be what Lincoln would  be forced to do.

Secretary of War Stanton appeared in alarm before President Lincoln one day, after having met with General McClellan's father in law who as McClellan's Chief of Staff. The father in law, rambling on to Stanton, blurted out, "We may just have to capitulate to General Lee".
Stanton was stunned. In the McClellan staff it was being discussed that the Union Army, larger, stronger, more equipped was going to surrender to General Lee.

After being summoned to President Lincoln to explain what was said. It was walked back and no more was said. This though is the situation Donald Trump as President will face. There are always those who want to cut and run, who want to compromise, who will not stand, who will surrender on issues, in wanting to get along with people as they want to be liked.

It is one of the pitfalls of what is Government. At this moment though, President elect Trump has one purpose and that is to glean a competition among his appointments for esteem and celebrity in how much they can dismantle with their efforts pointing out, and not pointing in at the Administration.

At this moment, I think Robert F. Kennedy II is going to be the Secretary who turns America's protective agencies back to the vision of  President Theodore Roosevelt in protecting Americans, and not weaponized against them.

For the good of America, when the voices arise about, we have gone enough, that is the time that the longer swords must begin cutting as good intentions got us on this road to hell, when Senator McCarthy was forced to pull back in stopping........what has now engulfed America.

Nuff Said
