Lame Cherry
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Russia and the Doomsday Weapon
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Let me preface this, in what is taking place is by design and is decades in the making in the situation between the United States and Russia. What the Lame Cherry would council the President elect on Russia is to do what this blog said in 2016, make peace with Russia your priority. More to the point, run like hell from Russia as their Hazel missile is a world changer and I will explain why.
When Donald Trump ended the arms treaty with Russia, the Russians like in meeting Gates and Rice in Moscow, concerning hypersonic missiles, this opened the door to some of the greatest advanced thinking in missile design at hyper speeds. The Russians developed supersonic gliding nuclear warheads for ICBM's and the Russian developed a cruise missile which could not be stopped at hypersonic speeds.
After repeated strikes against Russia by America, Paris and London by the Nazi of Kiev, Russia deployed their Hazel, which is a doomsday weapon in changing the world as much as the Monitor of the Union Army changed naval warfare forever.
What the Hazel is, and this is exclusive to the Lame Cherry, is a two stage ICBM, with at least a 5000 mile range. This missile and I suspect Russia has an American hitting system hidden somewhere, is a conventional hypersonic metal cartridge, number four, in the nose of this missile. This is what is unique and is the Russian answer to Star Wars, in this does not have to be in space orbit. The missile is a mother ship. It carries a pod of 4 devices, which launch under their own rocket engine to achieve with gravity Mach 10. I do not know if Star Wars lasers or pulse weapons could stop this on delivery as things are moving so fast. That does not matter as Russia would deploy enough of these missiles to burn out Star Wars.
In that, the Lame Cherry would expand this, in this Hazel, if properly fueled can be turned to space and kill all Star Wars platforms. This Hazel can be turned to the oceans and become the ultimate depth charge shattering carriers and imploding American nuclear submarines.
This is what is amazing about this platform, it is versatile and it was built to make war in Europe, without radiation which Russia does not want drifting into Russia. This is a Christian Slavic liberation bomb.
As the Lame Cherry has stated, the only good part about nuclear bombs is they are dirty, so people do not use them. This blog has stated long ago that when a bomb appears which has the effect of a nuclear bomb, then that will change everything. That is Hazel in now weapons of mass destruction are clean, not biological, not chemical and not radioactive. Thee only response which the West now has is Star Wars which was non radioactive, but they did not want to use it, lest Russia would retaliate with nuclear strikes, or the West's own nuclear weapons.
That is what is behind this hubbub of striking Russia first. The conversation for normal minds is how to back away from this, not get into a war with Russia, and wait for Trump's economy to wage this war with money.
As it is, the Board calculated this correctly. I would suspect those German scientific genius which built sputnik is somewhere in this Hazel as Russia has advanced exponentially in the past decades to masterful levels of these advanced weapons.
What I'm telling you is, Russia can strike with a Hazel system of longer range, the nuclear silos and bases in America. Russia using the Jewish piledriver to get Hezbollah leaders, can drive a half dozen of these metal warheads into NORAD and eliminate it. The entie expendable Americans of the interior in which Russia was stupidly to use 400 of it's warheads to kill deer in North Dakota and the population out there, instead of military and cities, is over. Hazel will wipe this out and leave the peoples alive who voted three times for Donald Trump to make peace with Russia.
So for all the handwringing over this, there is hope as Mother Russia is not going to nuke eastern Europe. Mother Russia if pressed would only nuke the coastal problem areas of the United States who voted all this chit in. Hazel is of benefit in being doomsday. I would hope that Donald Trump would stop having Gorka and Walz cock off about arming Ukraine to end the bloodshed and just make peace, get the hell away from Kiev and Tel Aviv, and these shit allies of Paris and London, look to Berlin to come to terms with Russia in trade over energy, and return to Reagan economic leverage to bring the bear to bay.
The way to stop this all is to not get into it.
Nuff Said
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