Friday, November 29, 2024

Spaghetti Jesus


I'm the tard Yeshua for intellectuals who want my shit to stink.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You have heard of the Spaghetti Westerns, so when I saw The Chosen, you know the series that was putting sodomite dicks up the ass colours into their scenes in being woke satanists and would not apologize, I still picked it up for a buck at the Thrift and am pleased I did, as in episode one in which all I have watched, it stunned me in I was watching Spaghetti Jesus.

OK where to begin in a story which makes no sense. It opens with this kid who turns out to be a tax collector, most likely Matthew somehow going to Mary Magdelene's location where she is being a demoness, throwing back shots in bars as Nicodemus the Ashkejew shows up and starts reciting all these "other archangels" which Christians do not note as they are not in the Bible and he fails as MM who looks like a dirty whore, gets up and goes to the bar where she throws back shots.

Anyway we learn that Peter is a prize fighter who cheats at beating people up and violates the Sabbath.

We are shown the Romans as these White skinny smart ass males. That is wonderful as Niggers are all over this fiction, in fact we have a Negress bitching people out over MM, as where would the world be without Aunt Jemima bitching out every other race as we all know when a coon speaks it is always wisdom that God should take a back seat to.

For the record, these must have been the faggots on the set, as the Romans were portrayed as they were in the Bible. St. Paul was Roman. Romans were superior, but you did not keep order by pissing off the locals as Rome disliked this immensely as it cost money.
Roman Legions were not skinny faggots, as the battle phalanx required strong men in a minority in a square, behind shields, holding back 100 times their number of enemy troops.

I dislike bullshit, whether it is Ken Burns Nigger Civil War fiction or this Chosen where it appears it appealed to a bunch of sundry people who wanted a dirty Jesus in a Spaghetti Jesus fiction of things which never happened, but would appeal to the faggot Downton Abbey soap opera groupies.

If this kind if shit helps you. that is wonderful. For me the Chosen was offputting. It was C Grade cinema, with nothing happening and the ending highlight was Mary doing shots in the bar, and Dirty Jesus shows up, looking like a John for sex, MM tells him to bugger off, and he follows her, calls her by name, which is the big Star Trek motion picture moment of Vger appearing as this of course proves He is God and Mary just melts as he spews Scripture at her.

The best Jesus ever was the one in Ben Hur in you never see Him. It is the reaction of others which Inspired Awe. This was not even Robert Powell who was a standard as Christ.

I'm going to digress a bit here as this is about Mary Magdalene and I have touched on this before. I forget the researcher who used to be big on the internet years ago, but he was on the Byte Show with the now dead Georgeanne Hughes, and he was featured in one episode speaking of Mary Magdalene which was groundbreaking.

You are told Mary is a whore possessed by demons. You are told Jesus was fucking her and he was married to this whore by the tools of satan. The reality though is something very different.

If you look at Scripture you will find a strange explanation when Jesus first began the Gospel, in the other Joseph was referenced who was now dead, and a new Joseph appears as his father figure who is a near kindred.
This kindred was Joseph of Aramathea. It makes a bit more sense why this wealthy man was risking his life for Jesus, Who was in Hebrew Law like his son, and He was his nephew.

Next up, Joseph had to have a wife most likely, and she does appear if you know where to look. If you remember the adulteress who is dragged before Jesus for Him to condemn and thereby entrap Him, reveals more Hebrew Law. The Pharisees are not just dragging some tramp to Jesus, as no Hebrew Priest or Scribe had the legal right to be Judging some woman with the death penalty for adultery. The reason this woman was brought to Jesus was because she was a near relative. Only the next near relative could condemn a woman to death to be handed over to be stoned.

The woman was Mary Magdalene. She was a releative by marriage to Jesus step father or Uncle, Joseph of Aramathea. It gives more insight and depth of this as to why Mary Magdalene was linked up with Jesus Mother at the Cross, why she was so devoted to Him. They had a history of deep connection, of not just a step mother, but someone that Jesus performed miracles for, and saved her from being stoned to death. She owed Him everything. I may be mistaken, but there are only two times that Jesus uses the intimate term of "WOMAN" with women, and that is when Jesus tells Mary Magdalene her accusers are gone and He will not Judge her either, and the last is Jesus telling Mother that she now has a son in John and John has a Mother in her. This is FAMILY. These people are related. The primary group of the Disciples comes from Jesus cousin, John the Baptist. There are not that many people in Palestine and the Galileans were related. with their White skin, blue eyes and fair hair. They were not this grubby bunch of Italian looking ethnics with more Niggers than Egypt in every scene.

I much prefer this Mary Magdalene history as it is beautiful, as Jesus earthly father had died, and his Uncle and Aunt became His guardians and they stood by Him, facing great danger in death to themselves.

It would be lovely to make this story to educate the public, instead of Spaghetti Jesus.

This has all been disappointing as we were stuck with the last seasons of MASH which suck, but I found something worse than MASH in this Chosen with Prize Fighter Peter,  Kid Matthew, Dirty Mary and Spaghetti Jesus.

This is a not recommend as our most injured pastor recommended this series while having psychological problems. Am pleased it had something for him, but I don't need Jesus in a soap opera with faggots.

Jesus should be portrayed by someone who looks to have a higher than 85 IQ.

Nuff Said

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