Less Joe Biden and Europe and more Donald Trump and America First.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have been listening to Scott Ritter and others harangue Donald Trump over his hardliners in Gorka and Walz.
Considering how touching the nuclear launch buttons all this has degraded to, I'm not pleased with Trump hardliners railing about Russia, but Gorka did end his diatribe with, "TO END THE BLOODSHED".
There is a purpose in this. This is Ronald Reagan in the Evil Empire.
Let us not forget that while the Russians have been wronged, they are a belligerent and hard ass people. They treated America like shit after world war and they treated Germany like shit in starting that second world war.
Russia is going to increase defense spending in 2025 AD in the year of our Lord. That is a slight problem as it funds aggression and not baking bread.
Donald Trump has stated he wants to end the war in Ukraine and wants peace. That would be considered a weakness by Moscow to exploit, that is what Trump hardliners are making harsh statements and joining with Bidencon. We do need more peace than war talk though and support of Bidencon.
I believe I know where all of this is going. It is simple in the Board wants to produce a new leading federalism in Europe. You bake a cake by making things hot, just like you do Jan6 to get a Butler survivor a blind following.
Not so blind as the Jan6 pardons is not blanket, but is on case by case...............the blind are seeing things they do not like in promises are being changed.
If this works out with being hard on Russia by Bidencon and crippling things in Europe to set about a new order, then that is wonderful, it may mean a crippling of America so we have to stay behind our oceans cleaning things up. None of this is what people voted for and trusting in Star Wars to deal with Russian nuclear weapons, to let only a select number through to get rid of who the elite want disposed of, is dicey at best as nuclear weapons are a hot potato that do not allow mistakes.
The Lame Cherry advocates peace, for America to get out of these shit hole conflicts, to secure America and start enjoying the God provided for resources God gave His children.
Just remember that Scott Ritter is intelligent, but he is also not correct in everything he says about Donald Trump in assessing what is going on. This is not me advocating this line of big stick, but stating that they have a reason.
The historical warning for the President Elect though is, remember Ronald Reagan, in his joke on an open mic about outlawing the Soviet Union and the bombers would fly in 15 minutes. Moscow believed that joke was real by the Crazy Cowboy and it put the world on a nuclear war footing. Reagan was surprised by that reaction, and this led him back to Nancy Reagan and the moderate George Schultz as Secretary of State to being detente with Russia, and away from the hardliners.
Ritter - Shreds Trump, Waltz And Gorka
On Their Russia-Hating, Pro-Uke War
Agenda - Start At 21:00
Nuff Said