As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Paul Craig Roberts is usually more than a flat brain, but his thinking that Russia should have clobbered Ukraine and sent a message is so uninformed that he does not see the result would have been alarm in the West, NATO literally taking over Ukraine as Russia did not have the force to deal with occupying a hostile Ukraine Nazi population, and there would have been a war with America, which Russia was told it could win by default if it was patient.
This extraordinary danger could have been avoided if Putin had disposed of the puppet government in Kiev before the West had time to get involved in the military conflict. A Russian demonstration of crushing force in itself would have served as a deterrent to the provocations, Putin’s weak response to which has brought the conflict to the brink of war between the West and Russia.
So Roberts is incorrect, but he will keep harping about his ideas, as there is no way to disprove what did not happen.
It would benefit all if these experts would be working on finding a way out of this Kaganite Neocon mass destruction, instead of wringing the hands about being in the next world war.
We could be seeing early negotiations. NATO occupying Ukraine might be a bargaining chip on the Trump scale. No one knows as Donald Trump is vocal on some points and silent on others. Putting all your eggs in the Trump basket is not what Russia intends. The Hazel missile was a warning of devastating clean destruction of NATO forces.
The reality is in all of this is, Russia is not the overt instigating problem. The problem in the gorilla in the room is these fag NATO and fag Kaganite and fag Londonian Normans who are pressing the Russians over this dictatorship which they molest the world with. Removing the problem in the West does not end the problem of Russian agendas, but it stops the hot war from going nuclear.
So this cancer of the hedgefunds for war profits is what is driving this. End them. The war ends. That is the focus which should be taking place in the West. Thee American People for the 3rd time have voted in majority for Donald Trump to stop this holocaust and genocide in the Mideast and Europe.
No one though in this has spoken of what the Lame Cherry has written in this European and Mideast conflict is assisting the hidden hands in coming to power in Europe. It is a cats paw in the cradle, but a new order will arise out of Europe from what is being staged. This order will change the world and it will be seen as peace centered for the time being.
Russia has been forced to do what it is doing by conditioning over the years to achieve where we are now in this conflict. It is by design and well crafted as the Bear was not coming out of her den to play. So this is something to keep in reasoned minds. This is being worked out by a group of people for the results they intend. They do not intend another world war as it would not benefit their interests. This is not chaos. This is ordered chaos to bring about a new order.
Nuff Said