Military Justice when Civilian Anarchy Rules
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Considering that the Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray political apparatchuc is again plotting a violent insurrection on Inauguration Day 2025, and considering that Mexican cartel members who funneled money into the Harris Pelosi California platform with money for Wall Street laundering, it is a deliberate criminal injustice to waste FBI, DOJ and Court resources in arresting people from Jan6 whose "weapons" were political signs and foul language, in the reality that cities are destine to be burne and Mr. Trump, Mr. Vance,and the entire Trump team are in mortal danger from violence.
Biden ‘Justice' Dept Arrests More Jan 6 Defendants
Despite Trump’s Promise To Grant Clemency
Trump Team Might Empower Sheriffs To
Arrest Foreign Invaders
Mexican Cartels Are Planning To Kill Trump
It is for this reality that if one match is lit, if one attempt is made before Inauguration, during Inauguration and in the weeks after Mr. Trump is President, those responsible in the Merrick Garland criminal misuse of the Justice Department, must face aiding an abetting violence and insurrection against the United States.
Innocent people were framed on Jan6 and hunted down, by the same FBI whose agents were stoking the violence with other agencies in these Ghost Bus transfers.
Mr. Garland was to be commended in shutting down the bogus Trump witchhunt as was Joe Biden in speaking of the peaceful transition of governance, but with this renewed witch hunt, and the firing of missiles at Russia to expand a war in Ukraine, the statesmanship has been obliterated. America is now at the place of President Abraham Lincoln in April 1861 AD in the year of our Lord, where those working against the government of the United States must be taken into custody and those who are stoked the violence in America and against Mr Lincoln, are guilty of high crimes to be taken into custody.
This is not some cat woman screaming causing these situations This is the group in power and those in the funding in Buffett and Soros who are instigating what is taking place. The civil courts have shown they are incapable of refuting this Obama weaponization, and this must now transfer as in Lincoln's time to military tribunals, with loyal military to the Commander in Chief, managing the incarceration and prosecution for fair trials. The police state can not be fairly tried by the police state. This must be military jurisdiction for justice to be administered.
Butler PA was enough. Obama's burning down of America to uneat President Trump must not be allowed to be repeated.
The FBI should be engaged against Mexican cartel not Americans with political signs.
Nuff Said