Me not want to invade round eye America as bird nest soup spill in earth shake
and bird nest soup wash away in water wave.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Hal Turner last week had a scientific alert that somewhere out there was a nuke beam hitting earth which was charging the core and it was predicted some big earthquakes would result.
A most interesting occurence took place today in a 6.0 hit off West Coast and it was followed by a 7.0 aftershock. More interesting yet, these quakes took place on 3 different plates.
7.0 Quake Slams Oregon-NoCal Border
The Pacific Plate, North American Plate, and the Gorda Plate are all shaking.
The chances are that as this Lame Cherry has pointed out, sympathetic quakes will trigger as this jolt moves through the core to the opposite side of the world. There is a chance that that big HAARP monsoon which hit this area before the HAARP blast which froze most of North America, had a force structure which weakened this juncture.........add green space nuke blast and you get this thing with warnings for a cleansing tidal wave in homo ghetto of California.
Nuff Said