Monday, December 9, 2024

Short Cut

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This all started with Birther pissing on Citizen Trump at a gathering.

The Board has been generous after Butler in allowing the pigeon to poop on image Birther.

A Short Cut to the means of the Board in this joke, would be to Natural Born by the Supreme Court and declare 8 years of the Birther illegitimate.

This means two Supreme Court Justices who are liberal are replaced.

This means Obamacare and Faglaw disappears.

This means everything Birther is negated, along with the proof that those behind the Birther stole two elections in moving 10 million voters to the Birther section, just as Pedo Joe got 81 million mystery votes.

This is the Short Cut to using the insurrection of burning down a city, blaming the Birther, and rolling all of this up, to stampede these trolls who think they are untouchable from Congress to the bag men families in the bush.

This would tie all of this up for the President Elect in the ultimate justification in removing a British subject who was foisted on thee American People.

Nuff Said

