As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There has been too much of a wet blanket coverage of Jewry from commentators like Jeff Rense, Brother Nathaniel or the Kennedy worshipping Donald Jeffries in jumping to conclusions that Donald Trump is controlled by the Jews. It shows ignorance in a huge misrepresentation that even Jeff Rense has said numerous times that he is not talking about all Jews.
As this blog has pointed out, Jewry is a conversion from the sons of Bulan, the Khazars or Ashkenaz in Ukraine, and that majority is a Talmudic sect of scholars too religious for their expanded intellect and in that arrogance, a herding leadership of "us against the world".
To use the term Jew is incorrect as Jews are not Jewish in the majority. They are no of the gene pool of Judah and are a converted sect which is related to Russians completely and not related but distantly to the Shemite or Hamite of Noah. They are Japheth and a unique diaspora, not from Jerusalem, but Kiev. They put on their Jewry as a syndicate a guild, of blood related converts, who are defined by a caste system as embedded as the British Normans or the Aryan Hindu. In a caste system, there is a pecking order and we witnessed a pecking order where this Zellinskyy of Kiev, was promised to rule Russia in a war, and by slaughtering off the Orthodox Slavs, an empty land would follow where "Jews" would be all gathered to the political capital of Jewry, with Tel Aviv administering the religious capitol.
Zellinskyy slaughtered the Ukrainians in mass. He turned over Ukraine to Black Rock, a Jewish hedgefund operation, which owns most of Ukraine worth owning from lithium to farmland. The kingdom of Kiev was going to be managed by Jewish finance in New York and profited by London Jewish finance of London and Paris. Zellinskyy as a dwarf was well suited to being a jester in this court where he was naked without clothes in never comprehending he never was at the same table as the religious and financial Jews of the Ashkenaz.
This is where President 47 appears in this, as this faction in Kiev ran the impeachment of Mr. Trump in lying about him. Mr. Trump is of that American sect of Jewish religious conservatives in Jared Kushner and Miriam Adelson. They are stewards of Jewry and consider their role not as secondary to Tel Aviv, which beholds them as "less than the pawn shop brokers" of the Rothschilds. America is to be milked for cash and liberal and conservative Jewry can smile and thank Tel Aviv and keep their mouths shut.
There are castes in Jewry and each caste does not really think of themselves as inferior to the other, until someone goes blatant as Zellinskyy engaged in as a pet "Jew". Zellinskyy was in madness when the West threw him aside for the protection of the state of Judah. He had been supplanted he thought by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu taking all the war resources when Zellinskyy never was at the head table or even in the room. He was that grubby hinterland Jew, and they dressed him up in the part of his little green dwarf costume without being shaven, and he performed in his ignorance.
Zellinskyy has that failed Manny Macron of France, trying to not be absorbed by Germany or England, and that is it. Donald Trump is loyal to his sect as he loves Ivanka completely and her children. He is in agreement with Miriam Adelson in thee America Jewish view of the world to be administered. This is not Neocon, this is not Kaganite. This is place of leaders such as Henry Kissinger and Elliot Abrams. These are foreign and domestic policies, Milton Friedman which Americans have lived and prospered under. They were protective of the state of Bulan, but not to the exclusion of America.
So when one sees Donald Trump jr., as a family spokesman for American Jewry, going out of his way to correct the record in Zellinskyy saying he was not invited to the inauguration, could not attend as war was on, and people were not invited and Jr. corrects the propaganda in Zellinskky tried to get himself invited 3 times and was shunned, you are witnessing the sects which really are Jewry, having had enough of this dwarf creating a bad name for Jews worldwide. You do not get to talk trash about Donald Trump no more than anyone would be allowed to talk trash about the mafia leader Meyer Lansky.
For literal reasons, American Jewry took offense at Zellinskyy and the Kaganites trying to get America vaporized by Russia in a world war, so Kiev could have political rule over a glowing toxic landscape. One simply does not get to vaporize American Jewry as the pyre to your resurrected land empire as they will be vaporized and have no part in this future.
So you should understand that Zellinskyy is finished. He is the odd Jew out. He will be replaced and it will depend on how much he has offended the Jews who sit at that head table, whether Russia will be allowed to expend his pounds of flesh to tidy things up for the offense of offending Jews at large.
There honestly could not have been a better or worse choice in Zellinskyy to achieve the long range goals of Jewry and to alienate the world to this grubby sect in Eastern Europe. He had a use, and that use is expiring. Tel Aviv and New York detest him, and his fading benefactors in Europe, know that he comes attached with a tag of Kremlin ire which will be visited upon them.
Zellinskyy will probably be kept around for President Putin to piss on him, for Donald Trump to humiliate him and for the rest of Jewry to abandon him, as this illegitimate Obama ruler of no elections is rejected by the survivors of his hedgefund holocaust rapine and slaughter of Christians in Ukraine and Russia.
Nuff Said