Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Know when to hold em Know when to fold em

Today President Bush was meeting with President Calderon and promised to try to get Congress to change American immigration policies which are hated throughout Latin and South America. The problem in all of this is President Bush like so many Democrats seeking illegal voters for power and robber barons seeking illegal slaves to power their lawnmowers and kick backs in construction jobs do not understand that Americans are pissed off about always being asked for more.

I believe the trend started on September 11, 2001 when Americans had been being murdered by terrorists and it finally came home in mass. Americans pulled together and did the correct things in charity and service to America.
Soon though, we found out some of the families of the dead were millionaires off of our money and were not only complaining about it, but were out leading immoral lives.

Then the hurricanes came along and we once again in time of war opened our hearts and gave bushels of money along with billions in government aid. Next thing we know is our money is being spent on strippers and dope and the people from New Orleans we took in were raping and robbing us.

You can toss in the constant drumbeat of Cindy Sheehan and her crowd of stinkers with psychopathy's which need medical treatment like political whore Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid and Barak Obama all touting lines which draw cheers from terrorists.

The beating continues in the press with Seymour Hersh, Robert Fisk, Jeff Rense, Steve Quayle, Capitol Hill Blue, Alex Jones, Katie Couric, Brian Williams, CNN, Ted Koppel and Charlie Gibson. This Molotov Mob of profiteers for fame spread anarchy and beat the hell out of America daily and are the darlings of the terrorists abroad. bin Laden even quotes them in his rambling sermons from the Chinese frontier.

Then there is the daily grind of Americans. We get up and wait forever in traffic, because illegals are jamming our streets. We go to work and there are more illegals taking jobs, not understanding what we are saying, on our phones with with Spanish buttons to push delaying our need for help, flooding our television and radios so we have to look for more moments in our day for something in English and then we are off work and standing in line at Walmart behind a herd of border busters who can't make change, can't speak English but are make obscene gestures at American women.
Then we go home and read in the paper some illegal has run over some kid, some illegal has raped a 12 year old girl and some immigrant from Islamastan is shooting people in Utah, some flying imams are raising hell on an airline and some new Muslim convert is taking the oath in Congress on a Koran that Thomas Jefferson had, because he was educating himself on the enemies of the United States even back in 1800.
Then to top it off our kids are talking trash, got head lice and the immigrants across the street are building the third house on the lot driving down the price of our homes we still have to pay off and our wife hands us the directions written in a dozen languages for a new DVD player and we can't find the English to put the thing together.

Respectfully Mr. President, Americans have given enough, we have taken enough we have put up with enough literal cesspool excrement. Americans live in America because we love being Americans, speaking one language, not having some imam dictating to us and not having some mob marching down our streets protesting they deserve rights and they are not even Americans.

All we want is our country and to enjoy the money we are paid for working, but all we are getting is beat to hell by everyone in the world from France and Germany, our own media, our own psychotic people, our own politicians and then the IRS swoops in and tells us they need more money and the police are ordered to stop us because we don't have a seat belt on which makes us criminals in our own country!
Then Mr. President, you show up again and make promises to a Mexican to demand that Americans give more.

I voted for you Mr. President, voted for your dad twice and I would vote for you again, but sir you are flat Hillary Clinton ass wrong on not figuring out that Americans are not giving enough and not putting enough of a cork in our frustration, anger and fury about being treated like the flush down the toilet in our native land.
Pardon my French.

What America requires sir is less taxes on corporations, so they can pay Americans higher wages and not slave wages to illegals. Americans will then purchase Latin and South American products creating jobs and markets there.
Americans require our country back and if you do not understand that then you and other politicos are going to be left in the sideline of history, because Americans are not going to follow where you are trying to pull us.

You have done a world of good for America in keeping us safe Mr. President, but you need to put in the effort to stop taking the easy way out of importing illegals for profits in corporations and for power in voting political whores into office.
Mr. President, it is in your power and in Congress to set policy which will have illegals voting with their feet and moving back to their native lands to work. Fix the problem sir instead of adding to it, because the good will of Americans has been taxed, stolen, raped, beat and slaughtered by the world.

You said after 9 11 that you heard us sir. Hear us again and follow through on your promise that the world will hear us too. God blessed America with all the resources and fine people for a self contained nation forever. Remember America will live without the world, but the world will only exist without America.

Americans have given enough.

God save America Mr. President and God bless you with His Wisdom.
