History has the strangest way of repeating itself, especially in the world of Hollywood where people invest their entire lives hiding behind characters from who they really hate in themselves.
Sean Penn is such one revistor of history. His father, the late Leo Penn was a communist sympathizer, so much so that he was a strong political supporter of Joseph Stalin, the Soviet dictator who would gain infamy by starving 40 million Ukrainians to death and enslave Europe behind an Iron Curtain.
This sympathy went so far as to urge the United States to be neutral when Stalin and Hitler were in a pact of "peace" while Poland was being carved up, France a Nazi puppet state, north Africa a fascist domain and London children were being blown up in their beds. Leo Penn's "neutrality" only shifted and urged American entry into the war when Hitler attacked Stalin before Stalin could attack Hitler.
Leo Penn didn't advocate saving the Jewish people, but only asked America to enter World War II when his Joseph Stalin was in danger.
That seems strange for a Lithuanian immigrant Ashkenazic Jew in Leo Penn, but the Ashkenaz are originally from central Asia and only converts being called Jews. There is no Judean ethnicity nor heritage in them. This group of Ashkenaz though have a history of taking stands which benefited the Rothschild banking cartel to the Rockefellers funding the Nazi search for the master race.
Leo Penn made quite a history for himself complaining he was blacklisted in Hollywood, but the problem is Penn worked during the entire blacklisting period when Communists and sympathizers were the proven threat to America. As the world is a stage, Leo Penn claimed a victim and in a roll so carried out his son, Sean believed what the old man conjured up and has become like the old comrade in jumping into bed with every American hating regime on the planet.
You might recall Penn's reporter bias in traveling Iraq before it was liberated. You might recall his public on the record comments that he has an Ann Coulter doll which he violates and tortures by burning the doll with cigarettes, but you perhaps have not heard his latest words in praising the Iranian Islamocommunist regime, a regime which butchers it's own people for such crimes as speaking and beats and imprisons women for the high crime of showing their ankles.
Sean Penn though defends Iran, a regime who are Persians, but changed their name to Aryan in order to gain Nazi sympathy during World War II. The same Iran which is a proxy of the old communist regime taking hold of Putin's Bolshevik Russia in policy to stretch from Dublin to Moscow. The same Iranian regime led by Islamocommunist supporting the butchery of Judeans in Israel, calling for the nuclear vaporization of Israel, supporting al Qaeda and calling for the destruction of the United States. The same regime which gave Sean Penn an acting award when visiting there at the Film Museum of Iran.
If none of that means much, from a historical standpoint, Nazi Germany deemed to do all of the above except give Leo Penn an acting award. Russian communists whom Leo Penn did support advocated doing all of the above, except give Sean Penn an acting award.
I have heard people use the term "self loathing Jew" for people like Sean Penn, but this has nothing to do with Semitic peoples as Ashkenazi are central Asians and not Judeans. What geared Leo Penn was the Ashkenaz clique which created communism by funding Karl Marx for the expressed purpose of ridding the world of the Czars so these cartel nation rapists could go in and plunder Russia and rule masses of slaves on the cheap for profit.
Leo Penn was not the top rung, but a sympathizer of like minded power brokers intent on stealing power and Penn was actor in trade portraying the victim of blacklisting.
It might be of interest to note that Russian Communist Gorbachev in a public statement about Senator Joseph McCarthy and his McCarthyism said, "Yes McCarthy was successful in that he put our communist agenda back years in all his work".
A Soviet communist himself making a statement that communist agents were at work to destroy America and that Senator McCarthy actually saved the United States until Ronald Reagan could topple the Soviet regime.
Whether Sean Penn knows his father was a propaganda actor for the Russians carrying out a mission here is his own family secret, but what is noteworthy is Sean Penn was so consumed by his father's actions that he is acting just like his father in supporting regimes intent on genocide of the Jews, domination of the world and the absolute destruction of America.
Perhaps, the day when real terrorists start using nuclear weapons against a Russian FSB which sold them to these regimes for use against America or our allies is when Sean Penn will finally see the light like Leo Penn in wanting to save his comrades.......and then expect hundreds of thousands of Americans to die again to save the neo Soviet. Only time will tell in this journey of Sean Penn.
For now though, Americans have another disgrace calling himself an American and Judeans all over the world have another Penn taking the side of regimes intent on their genocide, because in the end communists and Islamocommunist have more in common with the Penn diatribe than Americans, freedom and Judeans living.
Like father like son, unlikable father and unlikable son.
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