Monday, April 23, 2007

Land of the Dollar

I would not recommend at the present for people to be taken in by the stock market rising to great heights as the forces behind it are inflating it for the purpose of fleecing citizens of their investment in what is going to be a several year correction in monetary layman's terms, the people with money are taking small investor's money to hedge against inflation and their losses.

Stick with this as this is important to the little guy.

President Bush inherited a Clinton recession which started in mid 2000 from Clinton raising taxes and the dotcom set up crash which was designed to fleece the American public of their money as the financiers always do.
Bush dumped all of the Clinton collected taxes into the economy after 9 11 to keep a worldwide DEPRESSION from starting. He has been printing money like toilet paper since then for the Iraq war funding to bouy up the entire world from going down.

The problem is when you create money like the bankers Rockefeller do is it makes money cheap by increasing the supply. It is allot like if tomorrow you woke up with 1000 cars in your driveway and they kept multiplying every day for 5 years....a car would not be worth a whole lot to you nor anyone else by that time.
So right now the dollar is being going to loose about 1/3rd of it's value to other nations money to offset all that has been going on.

What this means to the little guy is this:

The money people decided the best place to generate the US economy was in real estate. Hence the housing market boom which started to bust last year and will tank now for 3 years. Allot of banks are going to be eating housing they sold to people who could not make payments.....too many houses like too many cars makes houses just as worthless or under valued as those cars in your drive.
So the banks get their money back by taking people's investments out of the stockmarket.

This crash is coming worldwide to drive money out of the stock market, because these banks need money inside them which is called liquidity to offset the money which is loaned and lost. So the herding begins out of the stock market into bank vaults with your money there propping up your bank.
This is all called fractal lending.....which means banks lend not money they have, but only one tenth of the money they have invested in them which is your money.

It all works wonderful as long as there are not any runs on any banks. The last run was which started off the Depression when JP Morgan pissed off at Jews, instead of propping up a bank which held their immigrant investments wouldn't cover the withdrawls. The net result was banks falling like dominoes.
I doubt there are any runs on banks coming from any of this as the idea is to get people to put money into banks propping them up.

In knowing how this works and why what is coming, people need to understand that certain things are going to inflate or stay the same in price. Gas is set at a trading price now and should without bombings or cut off of supply remain fixed, but as the dollar is deflated things which used to cost less from Chinamart are all going up in bulk due to the dollar being cheaper. This is called inflation.

Goverments in order to curb inflation raise interest rates to slow down prices rising. Remember your cars in your drive in this scenario. If you want them sold you lower prices or provide low interest loans.....if you want them not sold you make interest so high that no one will borrow money.
What this means for people is a buyers market should occur where certain things like land, houses and those things not effected by crude oil will start becoming good deals which include big gas burning vehicles.

For those who remember the Reagan years in coming out of the Carter collapse, people were investing in art, precious gems, gold.....the hard assets which do not blow away which included certified deposits in a bank and passbook savings accounts.
The same cycles mean the same investments will profit.

The one thing I ask though when the politicians like Hillary Clinton start blaming George Bush for 2008, please do not blame George Bush. He kept America from a global depression in 2001 in the only way available to him in printing money to fund the economy of the world.
I had thought this should have hit 3 years ago in a housing bust, but Bush has been dumping so much currency into the system that it has kept the hangover from hitting until now.

Americans though need to understand this just like when Nixon opened up the money presses and a contraction hit that we do not need a Jimmy Carter raising taxes and creating stagflation. I do promise you if a Democrat gets elected that is what is coming on a massive scale and scare.

In a doctrine, I was inspired by God to advocate I believe this could be remedied within a year and half if the US government would just start drilling and pumping Iraqi oil to crash the world oil market and if we would devest from the Eurasians at economic warfare with America along with the terrorists.
The US government could then start printing US Government Reserve currency backed by gold and silver which would be the dollar standard with the Federal Reserve currency now in circulation as the trade currency allowed to absorb the deflation as supply contracted.
Supply and demand just like your drive full of cars. The world holds the US debt and would absorb the Rockefeller Rothschild Federal Reserve dollars deflating while wanting the limited supply of United States Treasury Certificates which would be in demand......but you can't get the silver and gold certificates unless you first take on the Reserve notes.

Within 5 years, without the US government having to pay interest on Federal Reserve money from the banks, the entire national debt would be paid for. With Iraqi oil and deflated prices, the American economy would boom in trading with member allies and be a lender nation again instead of a debtor nation. (The bankers create debt for nations like America, because that is how they make money. Take the money printing from them and the debt disappears.)

I doubt the government will do the right thing, but the old advice given a few years ago remains the same. Pay off all your debts, do not go into debt and only invest in things which will not blow away or are subject to whims of investment like the stock market.

That is the land of the dollar and what is upon Americans. It is going to be a rough time again.

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// \\ God bless the Good