While I sit here, the melodic notes of living tribbles emanate from my kitchen in the voice of 2 day old goslings of whom here am I the parent of while the world spins in it's infinite censorship and malevolence called life.
In this I am not immune to the rants of brain sprained individuals like Rosie O'Donnell as they invade my world like any ranting female of the left from Chris Matthews to Keith Olberman. I have caught myself laughing several times the past few days when Jimmy Kimmel had on Donald Trump speaking of some huge disgusting framed underwear a fan sent him which I think were Rosie's.
The Donald was pure comedian in repeating they were huge and disgusting and how he sent them to Barbara Walters....pure comedian as he was playing as straight as George Burns.
I like to be entertained and this has been entertainment in the entire Rosie bashes America soliloquy. I would never be writing about her demise nor her running away as it does not matter as there are always 5 million ranting pms women blaming someone for something they did in life to take their place in tv, radio, print and marriages, but something happened in this which is something to smile about with pleasure.
For the record let us face it, Barbara Walters hired Elizabeth Hasselbeck, because Babs knew she was a young blond fluff.......young meaning immature to express her thoughts and blonde to convey the brainless barbie. See Babs knows stereotypes and typing Lizzy the Conservative Republican as a no mind pretty much played into her 2 ton sofa seat of Babs, Star, Joy (That whining shrill screeching grating female needs to change her name to ANNOY from Joy) and the head in the toilet Meredith against little Lizzy fresh off the bikini beach of survivor.
In liberal terms, it was deemed equal in 3 to 1 with 2 reporters, a rude comedian and a former prosecutor against a beach girl.
I have seen Mrs. Hasselbeck mocked on the Rense site having Jesus crucified on the Republican podium she was speaking before and just cringed as she struggled against the loaded deck stacked against her on The LIBERAL View.
It really had me disgusted this past Donald feud when Rosie had her roped in as one of the girls in her herd, flipping her hair and joining the gangle of people using by liberals as she flipped her hair mocking Mr. Trump when everyone knew Barbara Walters had told him exactly what she had about Rosie O'Donnell.
Lying and grafting into it to be one of the lesbian groupies of don't kiss don't yell really ruins one's credibility in the world of God's Wisdom and His Word.
That though all changed this past Wednesday and what I saw as important and something to give God glory for if Mrs. Hasselbeck is a Christian. I have watched her manhandled by Star Jones, watched her interrupted by Joy Behar, watched her corrected by Meredith Vierra and watched her sternly mothered by Barbara Walters....and watched her and every Conservative on that show including Dennis Miller having Rosie bouncing beside them, scooting forward, talking over them and waving a hand in front of their faces like a 3 year old was upon them........only to see Elizabeth Hasselbeck not just be the babe hired to be the bimbo, but to correctly, resolutely, truthfully, forcefully and completely hold her ground against an entire liberal audience, the 2 stooges on the bench, but Rosie too in a verbal drag out which when the smoke cleared.......it was Elizabeth's bench and Rosie had slunk away to her website being catty allowing others to run her down.
That is what winning looks like and Matt Hasselbeck must be one very proud husband to have a woman, a real kick ass woman as his wife who has now blossomed on the hardest of stages in the public arena, all alone and secure in her own skin and capable of fighting it out above the line and with logic while the others were spewing typical hate.
That is what is noteworthy in this in her parents, her family and relatives were able to see a woman like Margaret Thatcher or Jean Kirkpatrick knock down and drag it out without once being thought of as a bitch.
For that I admire Elizabeth Hasselbeck as I know how hard it is to fight the Molotov Mob.......but I also know the feeling she has inside of tingling numbness as the Spirit in her grew in knowing she was standing on the stage, not needing support from anyone before, during or after with lady like class.....and knowing tomorrow's battle will come, but the Warrior of God will direct what needs to be said in Truth and Honesty.....and that soul will be able to handle it.
St. Paul in his inspired writing loved the match and thrived in the brier patch into which he waded........I hope Lizzie has the opportunity to enjoy herself like John Wayne in True Grit as she will have to ride out again and again against all odds. I believe though like me and others of the kind she would not have it any other way as she appears born to it...........and now Barbara Walters has the biggest problem in the world on her hands in the heavyweight on that stage is Elizabeth Hasselbeck........and all of them combined can not handle her.
I hope for the best for Mrs. Hasselbeck and in her growth to continue in the Truth and not make the mistake of letting her guard down as her "friends" on The View are already planning to get rid of her and to take her down.
She must abide by the rule, "You can be friendly with people in not making enemies of them, but don't ever make the mistake of being friends with your enemies."