Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Gift Horse

I was thinking back tonight about the experts I have had to deal with my entire life....teachers, music producers and "website journalists".
Teachers would ask me what poetry meant and when I told them what it meant to me........they would say that is not what the poetry meant.
Producers knowing my primitive methods would then inform me, "I was unprofessional".
Lastly, I received a letter tonight from Joseph Farah of World Net Daily on something I had written and shared with him on the Cho shootings where he said I needed to rewrite it, but it was a good idea.
What puzzles me about all of the experts always expert on others is I would be willing to bet there were experts telling Shakespeare he was out of the box, experts telling Bach he wasn't doing it right and experts who told Einstein he was off his rocker in physics.
Experts are the biggest bunch of flat worlders who have ever been on the planet as they always deal in norms and never see the inspired picture from God.
Here am I, someone who writes for free as Mr. Farah is not going to hire me and because I would not take a job from anyone as I will never write the way or be the way other than the way God created me. I could be biting and state that perhaps Mr. Farah could speed his brain up to deal with the new medium and forms of communication as he is speaking in a vocabulary which is coming as ancient as Olde English which few can understand.
The one thing I never do is tell people how to write or communicate as each person is unique, but I always provide examples in how to communicate better to my students in their style.
It would be like me going onto WND tonight and relating to Mr. Farah in reading a story posted there on President Bush blaming the US citizens against illegal immigration as the problem.......that his story was slow, cumbersome and absolutely boring. If one compared the WND stories to something like Wes Pruden wrote on The Merry crack up of Bill Clinton.......well Mr. Pruden did it correctly.
I have though people who have no idea Whose I am and my purpose constantly trying to nit pick like they are the teachers when I did not ask for advice from them in their rather apparently "small world" of lack of self confidence that they are contemplating improving lil ole me in their own last century image.
I like who I am. I like how I write, because I like Who created me and Who inspires the way I communicate that message to the world.
It does get amusing though to contemplate the long list of experts in getting Jesus Sermon on the Mount and having them fire back a, "Well Jesus, you need to fix it up and learn to communicate better as it just don't fit what I came up with at journalism school".
I actually celebrate uniqueness as long as I can read the words in spelling as all those little Geoffs, ploughs and wherefore art thou.......became Jeff, plow and wear are you, when scamps like myself refined the stuffy old language churning around in Oxford.
I work for God so I will not change.......I will grow in Him, but this humble poet is not about to change what God is working in me.....and I don't expect Mr. Farah or anyone else to change either as he has a place doing what he does too.
I do though expect too much in experts in their flat world to actually get what I am talking about instead of their trying to make my little fourscore and seven years ago grammar fit into their medium.........I expect too much, because the things which I write always prove out to be correct....and I have yet to receive one email in numerous attacks and lordly advice not asked for stating they were wrong in their dinosaur thoughts.....and because I was on God's flow line providing information He was proven correct as always.
So as I always say people........write the way you want to, draw garbage if that is all the better you can do and if a poem means nothing to you......or a poem about grass makes you think you got to spray your weeds.........you got it right, because this Poetman from God will be the first to tell you the work I do means exactly what you are inspired to think it means, because you are the expert in body package. Sure I ramble on and at times in being tired I don't proof read enough like here and just post things.....but until someone starts dishing the dough to my bank account or proves to me God is telling me something through them...........
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth....just close yours, ponder the Truth and if you can not say anything to add to the enlightenment.......thank God for the horse, because someday you are going to find out just who it was under that saddle God sent.
agtG 299 right again