When I was getting the feed for the Andrew Speaker TB story, the new MSM terror campaign, since Anna Nichole is now rotting and President Bush has kept Americans so safe from attacks that something new has to be made up as bird flu died on the roost, I almost started laughing thinking this was some porno flick featuring Opie of Southern Comfort, Georgia being given a boob massage by Nurse Naughty.
It wasn't until I found out it was ABC news doing this that I really started wondering how aroused the producers were to set up a photo like this.
You have to understand how the media works from Bill O'Reilly top to Alex Jones dregs in that nothing ever happens by chance. No one goes on air looking like Hitler unless the producers want to skin the poor bastard alive and no one gets on mic sounding like Miss Mumbles unless they allow a hand set phone to give a bad feed. Everything is staged to produce exactly what is desired.
That is why desired or aroused came up in the above story, because ABC set this up to look exactly like you had a poor victimized boy from the south in his pure white shirt, blankly holding his boobsome wife who looks like she is going to have to go in to emergency surgery to restore her circulation as she either just grew 2 sizes or she had that blouse sown on her and it is now cutting off blood supply.
You would never know this was a well off attorney who had money to travel infected to Europe, exposing people with as deadly a disease as aids who didn't give a care about thousands of people dying. You would never know this was even his wife by the picture as the entire intent was to distract with her Dr. Barbie virtues.
It was not even the mistake for sympathy and audience appeal that a big old red STOP is showing how hazardous ole love can be for these poor married folks.
ABC in their feed even went so far as to claim that TB isn't that bad at all. Well spit fire boys at Disney, if TB gets you a free pass to destroy other people's lives while you have fun flying around Europe with Miss Buxom smushing into your body, sign all the boys up as if they will buy erection pills to sex themselves to death a little cough of TB fame and boobies will be the next Super Bowl ad campaign.
None of what ABC did really makes any sense on the surface. You can get SARS stories with ugly people in masks looking like death would improve their looks and you can get Bird Flu stories with rotting birds for the 6 o'clock suppertime meal, but none of them look like they are auditioning for Playboy.
So what was Disney up to in this compassionate, sex injected story of Mayberry where Opie goes to the big city, gets a degree, gets a centerfold, gets a disease, gets other people exposed, gets to fly around Europe and gets sympathy from ABC.........
The key is the get as in get over the border little border buster in that illegals which ABC and liberals just love are pouring into the United States with.......you guessed it tons of TB infected workers coughing on a food supply and breathing on your person at a location near you.
ABC wants no one to equate the lethal danger of TB and the real problem of illegals infecting United States citizens and putting us into a mass grave.
That is why said producer had the Opie look and not as usual showing the lawyer as something which looks like he is a beast from hell who would eat your child and why wifey, Sarah, is apparently joined at the hip as TB is sexy and all women want some.
It is one of the most bizarre manipulations I have seen, since Rosie showed up on video looking all nicey when everyone knows Lizzy and her went half brain to half brain not 5 days before.
ABC like all media is always skewing a story for another story, but you do have to wonder how much they hate the United States people when they are covering up TB as the illegal disaster it is by showing how much sex appeal you can have by getting it.
It is disgusting, but it is the main stream media telling people "I'll take an order of TB with a boobie Chaser".
The suave American public might not have gotten ABC's illusion, but at least in their confusion they got to see a hot looking chic.....something one never sees anymore even on Monday Night Football as you can't show cheerleaders anymore as it is sexist.
You can just show Nurse Naughty to get people to forget about illegal border busters.